What Jeff Killed
July 20, 2006 um 14:47 Uhr | In Comedy | No CommentsWell.. that`s kinda strange site… ignore the link if you are uncomfortable with anything under the skin… 🙂 (mauz~)
Gateway Page Update
July 17, 2006 um 13:30 Uhr | In Projects | No CommentsLast but not least: The Macintosh software blog is linked from the gateway site. Enjoy!
Corrected Server Issues
July 17, 2006 um 7:53 Uhr | In Projects | 2 CommentsDue to my changes of my domain structure some scripts failed to work; I just corrected them and updated some websites. If you encounter any errors, problems or strange behaviour, please contact me 🙂 Thanks!
Domain Structure (obsolete)
July 4, 2006 um 7:39 Uhr | In Projects | No CommentsAbout three weeks ago I reorganized my domain and subdomain structure. The main difference on the user side is, that subdomains were moved to subdirectories. This means, every subdomain e.g. https://blog.koushirou.de/ has become obsolete and the content moved to a subdirectory of the domain, e.g.
https://koushirou.de/blog/ (this has since been reverted).
Please update your favourites and links (if there are any xD); the subdomains still work, but won`t last forever 😉
Mac Blog
July 4, 2006 um 7:19 Uhr | In Computers, Projects | 2 CommentsOn June 4th I started a new project: A Macintosh software blog with descriptions, links and news on my recommended Macintosh software. I`ve found myself many times searching for the »best« software, preferred freeware, for my needs. Since I share these needs with a lot of people, setting up a blog as a software recommendation website is quite an easy task (although it requires much time, sure) and so I did. Check out
Feedback and recommendation submissions are appreciated.
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