Folgend seht Ihr eine Übersicht meiner Musiksammlung- soweit die Titel in die Sammlung richtig einsortiert sind (das Tagging ist immer zeitaufwendig, es fehlt also ein Großteil) ^^#
- Fukuda, Chikayo, Nakata, Seizo, Fukuda, Norikatsu:
.hack//GAME Music Perfect Collection (8cm CD 付初回限定盤)- Title: タイトル
- Desktop: デスクトップ
- Toppage: 「The World」トップページ
- RTown0: Δサーバー水の都マク・アヌ
- RTown1: Θサーバー高山都市ドゥナ・ロリヤック
- RTown2: Λサーバー文明都市カルミナ・ガデリカ
- RTown5: Σサーバー空中都市フォート・アウフ
- RTown6: Ωサーバー遺跡都市リア・ファイル
- Stage01: フィールド草原 雨 通常、戦闘
- Stage04: フィールド腐葉土通常、戦闘
- Stage08: フィールド土通常、戦闘
- Stage12: フィールド荒野通常、戦闘
- Stage17: フィールド雪原夜通常、戦闘
- Stage19: フィールド砂漠通常、戦闘
- Stage21: フィールド灼熱通常、戦闘
- Dgn03: フィールド森通常、戦闘
- Dgn00: ダンジョン石壁通常、戦闘
- Dgn01: ダンジョン洞窟通常、戦闘
- Dgn10: ダンジョン城通常、戦闘
- Dgn02: ダンジョン肉壁、戦闘
- Ev05: 第1相スケイス
- Ev10: 第2相イニス
- Ev11: 第3相メイガス
- Ev13: 第4相フィドヘル
- Ev14: 第5相ゴレ
- Ev17: 第6相マハ
- Ev18: 第7相タルヴォス
- Ev19_1: 第8相コルペニク第1、第2段階
- Ev19_2: 第8相コルペニク第3段階
- Fukuda, Chikayo, Nakata, Seizo, Fukuda, Norikatsu:
.hack//GAME Music Perfect Collection (8cm CD 付初回限定盤)- Loop1 Vol.1: オープニングテーマ
- Aura1: アウラのテーマ
- Blackrose: ブラックローズのテーマ
- Cathedral: 隠されし禁断の聖域
- Str9_1: 初めての聖域でブラックローズと
- Str9_2: バルムンク登場そしてウィルスバグ
- Mia: ミアのテーマ
- Piroshi: ぴろしのテーマ
- Str01: クピア誕生
- Staff1 Vol.1-Vol.3: スタッフロール
- Ev07: 飛行船旅団
- Bonus0: 八百由旬ボーナストラック パンタ君
- Loop2 Vol.2: オープニングテーマ
- Str10 Vol.1: の回想、クピア誕生
- Str11: リョース、ペルパ
- Ev00: ネットスラム
- Aura2: アウラとクピア
- Ev06: クピア第1~第3段階
- Ev08: 逆城都市
- Dgn12_2: 逆城都市、アンゴルモア
- Bonus1: 八百由旬ボーナストラックTEMPEST
- Loop3 Vol.3: オープニングテーマ
- Str17: Λタウンにて カイトとブラックローズ
- Str30: 楚良とスケィス
- Puti: プチグソのテーマ
- Puti_Win2: プチグソレース勝利のメロディ
- Ev09: 飛行生物
- Bonus2: 八百由旬ボーナストラック シアン&テリア姫
- Loop4 Vol.4: オープニングテーマ
- Str19: マハ出現
- Str20: ミアの死
- Ev20: クピア第4段階
- Str21: ドレインハート
- Ending: エンディング
- Staff4 Vol.4: スタッフロール
- Str32: ミア復活 回帰幻想
- Bonus3: 八百由旬ボーナストラック テイルコンチェルト
- Bonus4: 八百由旬ボーナストラック .hack Mix
- Fukuda, Chikayo, Nakata, Seizo, Fukuda, Norikatsu:
.hack//GAME Music Perfect Collection (8cm CD 付初回限定盤)- T_DtpOp: デスクトップ(オープン)
- T_ApriSlet: デスクトップ(アプリケーションセレクト)
- T_MenuFix: デスクトップ(決定)
- T_Cursor: デスクトップ(カーソル移動)
- T_Cancel: デスクトップ(キャンセル)
- T_SendMail: デスクトップ(メール送信)
- T_Login: 「The World」ログイン
- Menu_Open: ゲームメニュー(オープン)
- Menu_Slct: ゲームメニュー(セレクト)
- Menu_Fix: ゲームメニュー(決定)
- Menu_Cancel: ゲームメニュー(キャンセル)
- Errbeep: ゲームメニュー(エラー音)
- Book: 八百由旬の書を開く
- Gate_Open: カオスゲートを開く
- Gate_Close: カオスゲートを閉じる
- Gatemenu_Eff1: ゲートハッキングメニュー(ヴィルスコアのセットOR解除)
- Gatemenu_Eff2: ゲートハッキングメニュー(エラー音)
- Gatemenu_Eff3: ゲートハッキングメニュー(カプセル回転)
- Gatemenu_Eff4: ゲートハッキングメニュー(コンプリート)
- Warp: PCの転送音
- Skil_Pc: PCのスキル発動音
- Skil_Enemy: モンスターのスキル発動音
- Barrier: 属性耐性シールド
- LevelUp: PCレベルアップ
- Kakasi_Foot: カカシンガー足音
- Box_Open: 宝箱を開ける
- Item1: アイテムゲット
- Item_LvUp1: 装備アイテムレベルアップ1
- Item_LvUp2: 装備アイテムレベルアップ2
- Item_LvDw: 装備アイテムレベルダウン
- FairyOrb: 妖精のオーフ
- Ocarina: 妖精のオカリナ
- Warning: HP警告音
- Gameover_Off: モニターOFF
- Puti_whistle: プリグソの笛
- Puti_Foodget: プチグソのエサを引っこ抜く音
- Puti_Eat: プチグソがエサを食べる音
- Puti_Gepp: プチグソのゲップ
- Food00: プチグソのエサの声「金の卵」
- Food01: プチグソのエサの声「ヘピグソミント」
- Food02: プチグソのエサの声「オニオンナイツ」
- Food03: プチグソのエサの声「サボヘピテン」
- Food04: プチグソのエサの声「モウダメロン」
- Food05: プチグソのエサの声「トーチューカソウ」
- Food06: プチグソのエサの声「ホワイトチェリー」
- Food07: プチグソのエサの声「カプカプ」
- Food08: プチグソのエサの声「ラ・パンプキン」
- Food09: プチグソのエサの声「マジック・キノコ」
- Food0a: プチグソのエサの声「マンドラドルァ」
- Food0b: プチグソのエサの声「ナップルアップル」
- Food0c: プチグソのエサの声「未完の卵」
- Food0d: プチグソのエサの声「熊猫の卵」
- Food0e: プチグソのエサの声「未だ見ぬ卵」
- Food0f: プチグソのエサの声「血染めの卵」
- PutiRace_Start: プチグソレースのファンファーレ(スタート時)
- PutiRace_Win1: プチグソレースのファンファーレ(ランクイン時)
- PutiRace_Lose: プチグソレースのファンファーレ(ランクイン失敗時)※〈8cmCD付〉内容:GAME内効果音/特製オリジナルメモリーカードケース封入
- 梶浦由紀:
.hack//SIGN Original Soundtrack 1- Yasashii Yoake (Original Tv Version)
- The World
- Kiss
- Key of the Twilight
- Valley of Mist
- Where the Sky Is High
- Fake Wings
- Interlude
- Fear
- Aura
- Before Drawn
- Foreigners
- B.T.
- A Stray Child
- Sit Beside Me
- Magic and Sword
- A Bit of Happiness
- Silent Life
- Obsession (Tv-Mix)
- 梶浦由紀:
.hack//SIGN Original Soundtrack 2- Open Your Heart
- Smallest Delight
- Labyrinth
- In the Land of Twilight, Under the Moon
- In Your Mind
- Bear
- Echoes
- Cyber-Slum
- Strangers
- Where You Are
- Limits
- Broken Wings
- Mimiru
- Useless Chatting
- Secret Project
- Say Goodbye
- To Nowhere
- End of the World
- Das Wandern
- Open Your Heart (Reprise)
- 佐藤直紀:
「X」(エックス) Original Soundtrack II- 美くしも悲痛な戦い
- Strength
- 想い
- Battle
- Requiem
- eX Dream, X Opening (Tv Edit)
- ただ一つの望み
- Hyber Battle 2
- 挫折
- もう一人の封真
- Secret Sorrow (Ending, Tv Edit)
- Last Battle
- eX Dream, X Opening (String Quartet Version)
- 組曲「地の龍」
- 運命 (Guitar Version)
- 結晶(司狼神威:鈴村健一)
- Stand Up, The:
『今日からマ王!』オリジナルサウンドトラック- 果てしなく遠い空に(NHK教育TVアニメ「今日からマ王!」オープニングテーマ)
- ステキな幸せ(NHK 教育TVアニメ「今日からマ王!」エンディングテーマ)
- 青い風
- Moyet, Alison:
»Alf«- Love Resurrection
- Honey for the Bees
- For You Only
- Invisible
- Steal Me Blind
- All Cried Out
- Money Mile
- Twisting the Knife
- Where Hides Sleep
- Ärzte, Die:
13- Punk ist…
- Ein Lied für Dich
- Goldenes Handwerk
- Meine Freunde
- Party stinkt
- 1/2 Lovesong
- Ignorama
- Nie wieder Krieg, nie mehr Las Vegas
- Rebell
- Der Graf
- Grau
- Angeber
- Männer sind Schweine
- Liebe und Schmerz
- Nie gesagt
- Der Infant
- Grotesksong
- 3 Doors Down:
17 Days- Right Where I Belong
- It’s Not Me
- Let Me Go
- Be Somebody
- Landing in London
- The Real Life
- Behind Those Eyes
- Never Will I Break
- Father’s Son
- Live for Today
- My World
- Here By Me
- Here without Me
- Away from the Sun
- 3 Against Gravity:
3 Against Gravity- Universe By Foot
- Mary
- I Am Me
- Wolfsheim:
55578 1987-1995- Elias
- Lovesong (Club Mix)
- Now I Fall
- Where Greed Talks
- Youth & Greed
- Anybody’s Window (909 Remix)
- It’s Not Too Late [Don’t Sorrow] (Long Version)
- The Sparrows and the Nightingales (Long Version)
- Real
- Ruby, Don’t Take Your Love to Town
- A Look Into Your Heart (Different Version)
- Annie (Early Version)
- Circles
- Vienna Symphonic Orchestra Project:
5th, The- Boat on the River
- It’s Raining Again
- Sailing
- Bridge Over Troubled Water
- I Wish It Would Rain Down
- Schwanensee
- Die Moldau
- The Secret of the Mountain Lake
- Enya:
A Day without Rain- A Day Without Rain
- Wild Child
- Only Time
- Tempus Vernum
- Deora Ar Mo Chroí
- Flora’s Secret
- Fallen Embers
- Silver Inches
- Pilgrim
- One By One
- The First of Autumn
- Lazy Days
- Cocker, Joe:
Across from Midnight- Tonight
- Could You Be Loved
- That’s All I Need to Know
- N’oubliez Jamais
- What Do I Tell My Heart?
- Wayward Soul
- Loving You Tonight
- Across from Midnight
- What Do You Say?
- The Last One to Know
- That’s the Way Her Love Is
- Need Your Love So Bad
- BAP:
Affjetaut- Ne schöne Jrooß
- Wat ess?
- Stollwerck-Leed
- Anna
- Häng de Fahn eruss
- Helfe kann Dir keiner
- Ruut-wieß-blau querjestriefte Frau
- Vun mir uss Kitsch
- Kumm op ming Sick
- Pardong
- John, Elton, Rice, Tim:
Aida (Original Cast Essen, Germany)- Jede Geschichte handelt von der Liebe
- Wer viel wagt, der gewinnt
- Ein fernes Land
- Eine Pyramide mehr
- Ich kenn dich
- Mein Sinn für Stil
- Von einem Traum entführt
- Mein Sinn für Stil (Reprise)
- Manteltanz
- Nicht ich, ich nicht
- Durch das Dunkel der Welt
- Die Sonne Nubiens
- Ein Schritt zu weit
- So einfach, so schwer
- Wie Vater, so Sohn
- Radames’ Brief
- Ich kann dich nicht verstehen (Reprise: Ich kenn Dich)
- Sind die Sterne gegen uns?
- Die Wahrheit
- Durch das Dunkel der Welt (Reprise)
- Von einem Traum entführt (Reprise)
- Jede Geschicht handelt von der Liebe (Reprise)
- 芸能山城組:
Akira: Symphonic Suite- Kaneda
- バトル・アゲインスト・クラウン
- ウィンズ・オーヴァー・ザ・ネオ-トウキョウ
- Tetsuo
- ドールズ・ポリフォニー
- Shohmyoh
- ミューテイション
- イクスダス・フロム・ザ・アンダーグラウンド・フォートレス
- イリュージョン
- レクイエム
- Offspring, The:
Americana- Welcome
- Have You Ever
- Staring at the Sun
- Pretty Fly (for a White Guy)
- The Kids Aren’t Alright
- Feelings
- She’s Got Issues
- Walla Walla
- The End of the Line
- No Brakes
- Why Don’t You Get a Job
- Americana
- Pay the Man
- Alan Parsons Project, The:
Ammonia Avenue- Prime Time
- Let Me Go Home
- One Good Reason
- Since the Last Goodbye
- Don’t Answer Me
- Dancing on a Highwire
- You Don’t Believe
- Pipeline (Instrumental)
- Ammonia Avenue
- Virginia Jetzt!:
Anfänger- Das ganz normale Leben
- Liebeslieder
- Du musst dahin, wo’s weh tut
- Ein ganzer Sommer
- Der Himmel über Berlin
- Spurlos verschwinden
- Wahre Liebe
- Weil wir Anfänger sind
- Hier zu sein
- In der Finsternis
- Manfred Mann’s Earth Band:
Angel Station- Don’t Kill It Carol
- You Angel You
- Hollywood Town
- “Belle” of the Earth
- Platform End
- Angels at My Gate
- You Are – I Am
- Waiting for the Rain
- Resurrection
- Nightwish:
Angels Fall First- Elvenpath
- Beauty and the Beast
- The Carpenter
- Astral Romance
- Angels Fall First
- Tutankhamen
- Nymphomaniac Fantasia
- Know Why the Nightingale Sings
- Lappi (Lapland) I: Erämaajärvi
- Lappi (Lapland) II: Witchdrums
- Lappi (Lapland) III: This Moment Is Eternity
- Lappi (Lapland) IV: Etiäinen
- Kovenant, The:
Animatronic- Mirror’s Paradise
- New World Order
- Mannequin
- Sindrom
- Jihad
- The Human Abstract
- Prophecies of Fire
- In the Name of the Future
- Spaceman
- The Birth of Tragedy
- Interpol:
Antics- Next Exit
- Evil
- Narc
- Take You on a Cruise
- Slow Hands
- Not Even Jail
- Public Pervert
- C’mere
- Length of Love
- Time to Be So Small
- Winwood, Steve:
Arc of a Diver- While You See a Chance
- Arc of a Diver
- Second-Hand Woman
- Slowdown Sundown
- Spanish Dancer
- Night Train
- Dust
- Rea, Chris:
Auberge- Auberge
- Gone Fishing
- You’re Not a Number
- Heaven
- Set Me Free
- Red Shoes
- Sing a Song of Love to Me
- Every Second Counts
- Looking for the Summer
- And You My Love
- The Mention of Your Name
- Tagtraum:
Augen auf und durch- Herr Rossi
- Hölle muss warten
- Auf Co-Zwei
- Stopschilder
- Hand auf’s Herz
- Es fühlt sich an
- Immerhin
- Alles leer
- Eiszeit
- Balast über Bord
- Sterbende
- Lieblingstape
- Gerüchteküchen
- Wohlstandskinder, The:
Baby, Blau!- Lautstärke, Baby
- Deine Nacht über Berlin
- Jungen weinen nicht
- Sommer ist
- Fotoalben
- Jeder macht es gut
- 180g Europa
- Renn!
- Wie ein Stern
- Rock’n’Roll-Opa
- Die Masse von nebenan
- Mach die Tür zu
- Was das so bringt
- Mit dem Baum kam der Schluss
- Ragazza Telefonino
- (Hidden Track)
- Blunt, James:
Back to Bedlam- High
- You’re Beautiful
- Wisemen
- Goodbye My Lover
- Tears & Rain
- Out of My Mind
- So Long Jimmy
- Billy
- Cry
- No Bravery
- Spax:
Banzai!- Banzai!
- Banzai! (Childhood Remix)
- Compilation:
Baroque- Iwata, Masaharu – Great Heat 20320514
- Iwata, Masaharu – Into Our Trespasses
- Iwata, Masaharu – Sanctuary
- Iwata, Masaharu – Iraiza
- Iwata, Masaharu – Confusion
- Iwata, Masaharu – A Style of Baroque
- Iwata, Masaharu – Namu Ami
- Iwata, Masaharu – Little
- Iwata, Masaharu – One Foot in the Grave
- Iwata, Masaharu – Alice In
- Iwata, Masaharu – One
- Iwata, Masaharu – Neverending Cycle
- Iwata, Masaharu – Multiplex
- Iwata, Masaharu – Hold Baroque Inside
- Pee, John – Deep Interludium
- Sakoda, Toshiaki – Baroque 204 Forest
- Sakoda, Toshiaki – Baroque 205 Blue
- Sakoda, Toshiaki – Baroque 206 Black
- Rage Against the Machine:
Battle of Los Angeles, The- Testify
- Guerrilla Radio
- Calm Like a Bomb
- Mic Check
- Sleep Now in the Fire
- Born of a Broken Man
- Born as Ghosts
- Maria
- Voice of the Voiceless
- New Millennium Homes
- Ashes in the Fall
- War Within a Breath
- Stewart, Al:
Beach Full of Shells, A- The Immelman Turn
- Mr. Lear
- Royal Courtship
- Rain Barrel
- Somewhere in England 1915
- Katherine of Oregon
- Mona Lisa Talking
- Class Of ’58
- Out in the Snow
- My Egyptian Couch
- Gina in the Kings Road
- Beacon Street
- Anniversary
- No Doubt:
Beacon Street Collection, The- Open the Gate
- Blue in the Face
- Total Hate 95
- Stricken
- Greener Pastures
- By the Way
- Snakes
- That’s Just Me
- Squeal
- Doghouse
- Beatles, The:
Beatles, The: 1962 – 1966- Love Me Do
- Please Please Me
- From Me to You
- She Loves You
- I Want to Hold Your Hand
- All My Loving
- Can’t Buy Me Love
- A Hard Day’s Night
- And I Love Her
- Eight Days a Week
- I Feel Fine
- Ticket to Ride
- Yesterday
- Beatles, The:
Beatles, The: 1962 – 1966- Help
- You’ve to Hide Your Love Away
- We Can Work It Out
- Day Tripper
- Drive My Car
- Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)
- Nowhere Man
- Michelle
- In My Life
- Girl
- Paperback Writer
- Eleanor Rigby
- Yellow Submarine
- Beatles, The:
Beatles, The: 1967 – 1970- Strawberry Fields Forever
- Penny Lane
- Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
- With a Little Help from My Friends
- Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
- A Day in the Life
- All You Need Is Love
- I Am the Walrus
- Hello, Goodbye
- The Fool on the Hill
- Magical Mystery Tour
- Lady Madonna
- Hey Jude
- Revolution
- Beatles, The:
Beatles, The: 1967 – 1970- Back in the USSR
- While My Guitar Gently Weeps
- Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da
- Get Back
- Don’t Let Me Down
- The Ballad of John and Yoko
- Old Brown Shoe
- Here Comes the Sun
- Come Together
- Something
- Octopus’s Garden
- Let It Be
- Across the Universe
- The Long and Winding Road
- Vanessa-Mae:
Best of Vanessa-Mae, The- Toccata & Fugue in D Minor
- Destiny
- Nessun Dorma (From Violin Fantasy on Puccini’s ‘Turandot’)
- I’m a-Doun for Lack o’Johnnie (A Little Scottish Fantasy)
- Storm
- I Feel Love
- Bach Street Prelude
- Aurora
- The Original Four Seasons, Winter (II)
- Contradanza
- White Bird
- The Original Four Seasons, Summer (I)
- Happy Valley
- Devil’s Trill
- Solace
- Alan Parsons Project, The:
Best Of, The: The Alan Parsons Project- I Wouldn’t Want to Be Like You
- Eye in the Sky
- Games People Play
- Time
- Pyromania
- You Don’t Believe
- Lucifer
- Psychobabble
- Damned If I Do
- Don’t Let It Show
- Can’t Take It With You
- Old and Wise
- Ärzte, Die:
Bestie in Menschengestalt, Die- Inntro
- Schrei nach Liebe
- Schopenhauer
- Für uns
- Hey Huh (In Scheiben)
- FaFaFa
- Deutschrockgirl
- Mach die Augen zu
- Gehirn-Stürm
- Mit dem Schwert nach Polen, warum René
- Claudia (Teil 95)
- Die Allerschürfste
- Friedenspanzer
- Quark
- Dos Corazones
- Kopfüber in die Hölle
- Omaboy
- Lieber Tee
- Wenn es Abend wird
- Paris:
Big Towne, 2061- Blue Robin
- Big Towne, 2061
- Pale Horse, Pale Rider
- New Orleans
- Outlaw Game
- Money Love
- Heart of Stone
- Slave Trader
- 1 in 10
- Janie
- Compilation:
Bittersweet- Apocalyptica – Bittersweet (feat. Ville Valo)
- Nightwish – Wish I Had an Angel
- Within Temptation – Stand My Ground
- Angelzoom – Back in the Moment (feat. Joachim Witt)
- L’Âme Immorttelle – Stumme Schreie
- Depeche Mode – Enjoy the Silence ’04
- Placebo – Twenty Years
- Muse – Time Is Running Out
- Manson, Marilyn – Personal Jesus
- HIM – Solitary Man
- Lacrimas Profundere – Amber Girl
- Lacuna Coil – Swamped
- Oomph! – Augen Auf!
- Lacrimosa – Durch Nacht und Flut
- Silbermond – Durch die Nacht
- Elis – Der letzte Tag
- Apocalyptica – Seemann (feat. Nina Hagen)
- Wolfsheim – Kein Zurück
- Scala & Kolancy Brothers – Schrei nach Liebe
- Rammstein – Ohne Dich
- Compilation:
Bittersweet- Nu Pagadi – Sweetest Poison
- Vanilla Ninja – Blue Tattoo
- Rasmus, The – Guilty
- Good Charlotte – Predictable
- Guano Apes – Break the Line
- Exilia – Coincidence
- Blackmore’s Night – Once in a Million Years (Wenn aus Liebe Sehnsucht wird)
- Milú, Sanders, K., Heppner, Peter – Aus Gold
- Xandria – Eversleeping
- Visions of Atlantis – Lost
- Project Pitchfork – Angels
- Dresden Dolls, The – Coin-Operated Boy
- Gathering, The – Sleepy Buildings
- Sisters of Mercy – Temple of Love
- Camouflage – I Can´t Feel You
- Cure, The – The End of the World
- Cave, Nick, Bad Seeds, The – Breathless (Alternative Mix)
- Covenant – Bullet
- Berzerk, Apoptygma – Kathy´s Song (Come Lie Next to Me) (Single Version)
- E Nomine – Vater Unser, Part II (Psalm 23) (Radio Mix)
- Interpol:
Black EP, The- Say Hello to the Angels
- NYC (Demo)
- Obstacle 1 (Black Session)
- Specialist (Black Session)
- Leif Erikson (Black Session) 2
- PDA (Black Session)
- Dropkick Murphys:
Blackout- Walk Away
- Workers Song
- The Outcast
- Black Velvet Band
- Gonna Be a Blackout Tonight
- World Full of Hate
- Buried Alive
- The Dirty Glass
- Fields of Athenry
- Bastards on Parade
- As One
- This Is Your Life
- TimetTo Go
- Kiss Me I’m Shitfaced
- Compilation:
Bleach Original Soundtrack I- Sagisu, Shiro – On the Precipice of Defeat
- Orange Range – Asterisk (Soundtrack Version)
- Sagisu, Shiro – Comical World
- Sagisu, Shiro – Oh So Tired
- Sagisu, Shiro – Head in the Clouds
- Sagisu, Shiro – Ditty for Daddy
- Sagisu, Shiro – Creping Shadows
- Sagisu, Shiro – Raw Breath of Danger
- Sagisu, Shiro – Enemy Unseen
- Sagisu, Shiro – Will of the Heart
- Sagisu, Shiro – Requiem for the Lost Ones
- Wyzgowski, Mike – Nothing Can Be Explained (Vocal Version)
- Sagisu, Shiro – Burden of the Past
- Sagisu, Shiro – Destiny Awaits
- Sagisu, Shiro – Catch-22
- Sagisu, Shiro – Heat of the Battle
- Sagisu, Shiro – Blaze of the Soul Reaper
- Sagisu, Shiro – Battle Ignition
- Sagisu, Shiro – Never Meant to Belong
- Sagisu, Shiro – Storm Center
- Fernandes, Hazel – Number One (Vocal Version)
- Sagisu, Shiro – Going Home
- Fu, Rie – Life is Like a Boat (TV Size Version)
- Sagisu, Shiro – Peaceful Afternoon
- Home Made Kazoku – Thank You!! (TV Size Version)
- Nightwish:
Bless the Child (MCD)- Bless the Child (Single Edit)
- Lagoon (Non Album Track)
- The Wayfarer (Non Album Track)
- Compilation:
Bodyguard, The- Houston, Whitney – I Will Always Love You
- Houston, Whitney – I Have Nothing
- Houston, Whitney – I’m Every Woman
- Houston, Whitney – Run to You
- Houston, Whitney – Queen of the Night
- Houston, Whitney – Jesus Loves Me
- G., Kenny, Neville, Aaron – Even If My Heart Would Break
- Stansfield, Lisa – Someday (I’m Coming Back)
- S.O.U.L. S.Y.S.T.E.M., The – It’s Gonna Be a Lovely Day
- Stigers, Curtis – (What’s So Funny ‘Bout) Peace, Love and Understanding
- G., Kenny – Waiting for You
- Cocker, Joe – Trust in Me (feat. Sass Jordan)
- Houston, Whitney – Theme from “The Bodyguard”
- Collins, Phil:
Both Sides- Both Sides of the Story
- Can’t Turn Back the Years
- Everyday
- I’ve Forgotten Everything
- We’re Sons of Our Fathers
- Can’t Find My Way
- Survivers
- We Fly so Close
- There’s a Place for Us
- We Wait and We Wonder
- Please Come Out Tonight
- Red Hot Chili Peppers:
By the Way- By the Way
- Universally Speaking
- This Is the Place
- Dosed
- Don’t Forget Me
- The Zephyr Song
- Can’t Stop
- I Could Die for You
- Midnight
- Throw Away Your Television
- Cabron
- Tear
- On Mercury
- Minor Thing
- Warm Tape
- Venice Queen
- Genesis:
Calling All Stations- Calling All Stations
- Congo
- Shipwrecked
- Alien Afternoon
- Not About Us
- If That’s What You Need
- The Dividing Line
- Uncertain Weather
- Small Talk
- There Must Be Some Other Way
- One Man’s Fool
- Wolfsheim:
Casting Shadows- Everyone Who Casts a Shadow
- Care for You
- I Won’t Believe
- Kein Zurück
- And I…
- Underneath the Veil
- Find You’re Gone
- This Is for Love
- Wundervoll
- Approaching Lightspeed
- In Time
- Nightwish:
Century Child- Bless the Child
- End of All Hope
- Dead to the World
- Ever Dream
- Slaying the Dreamer
- Forever Yours
- Ocean Soul
- Feel for You
- The Phantom of the Opera
- Beauty of the Beast
- Schwartz, Stephen:
Children of Eden: The Highlights (Original Broadway Cast)- Let There Be
- The Naming
- Father’s Day
- The Spark of Creation
- In Pursuit of Excellence
- A World without You
- The Expulsion
- The Wasteland
- Lost in the Wilderness
- Close to Home
- The Mark of Cain
- Children of Eden
- Generations
- A Piece of Eight
- The Return of the Animals
- Stranger to the Rain
- In Whatever Time We Have
- The Flood
- The Hardest Part of Love
- Ain’t It Good
- In the Beginning
- Ramones:
Chrysalis Years, The- I Believe in Miracles
- Zero Zero UFO
- Don’t Bust My Chops
- Punishment Fits the Crime
- All Screwed Up
- Palisades Park
- Pet Sematary
- Learn to Listen
- Can’t Get You Outta My Mind
- Ignorance Is Bliss
- Come Back Baby
- Merry Christmas (I Don’t Wanna Fight Tonight)
- Journey to the Centre of the Mind
- Substitute
- Out of Time
- The Shape of Things to Come
- Somebody to Love
- When I Was Young
- 9 & 9 Is
- My Back Pages
- Can’t Seem to Make You Mine
- Have You Ever Seen the Rain
- I Can’t Control Myself
- Surf City
- Spiderman
- Ramones:
Chrysalis Years, The- Censorhits
- The Job That Ate My Brain
- Poison Heart
- Anxiety
- Strength to Endure
- It’s Gonna Be Alright
- Take It As It Comes
- Main Man
- Tomorrow She Goes Away
- I Won’t Let It Happen
- Cobbies on Crack
- Heidi Is a Headcase
- Touring
- I Don’t Want to Grow Up
- Makin’ Monsters For My Friends
- It’s Not For Me to Know
- The Crusher
- Life’s a Gas
- Take the Pain Away
- I Love You
- Cretin Family
- Have a Nice Day
- Scatter Gun
- Got a Lot to Say
- She Talks to Tainbows
- Born to Die in Berlin
- Ramones:
Chrysalis Years, The- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
- Durango 95
- Teenage Lobotomy
- Psycho Therapy
- Blitzkrieg Bop
- Rock’n’Roll Radio
- I Believe in Miracles
- Gimme Gimme Shock Treatment
- Rock’n’Roll High School
- I Wanna Be Sedated
- The KKK Took My Baby Away
- I Wanna Live
- Bonzo Goes to Bitberg
- Too Tough to Die
- Sheena Is a Punk Rocker
- Rockaway Beach
- Pet Semetary
- Don’t Bust My Chops
- Palisades Park
- Mama’s Boy
- Animal Boy
- Wart Hog
- Surfin’ Bird
- Cretin Hop
- I Don’t Wanna Walk Around With You
- Today Your Love, Tomorrow the World
- Pinhead
- Somebody Put Something in My Drink
- Beat on the Beat
- Judy Is a Punk
- Chinese Rocks
- Love Kills
- Ignorance Is Bliss
- Circle Being:
Circle Being Live 13.03.2004- Intro
- Run to the Sun
- Rollin’ On
- Overcome
- Signs
- Changing
- So Free
- Overcome (Zugabe)
- Rafferty, Gerry:
City to City- The Ark
- Baker Street
- Right Down the Line
- City to City
- Stealin’ Time
- Mattie’s Rag
- Whatever’s Written in Your Heart
- Home and Dry
- Island
- Waiting for the Day
- Vienna Symphonic Orchestra Project:
Classic & Rock: Die neue Dimension- Sledgehammer
- They Dance Alone
- Man in the Mirror
- Invisible Circus
- Against All Odds
- Prelude
- Mull of Kintyre
- I Wanna Dance with Somebody
- Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now
- Scream of a Butterfly
- Vienna Symphonic Orchestra Project:
Classic Meets Pop: Vol. 4- Hand in Hand
- Golden Slumbers, Carry That Weight, You Never Give Me Your Money, The End
- Orinoco Flow
- The First Time
- One Moment in Time
- Looking for Freedom
- Phantom of the Opera
- The Living Years
- Hungarian Blue
- Groovy Kind of Love
- Gorillaz:
Clint Eastwood (Single)- Clint Eastwood
- Clint Eastwood (Ed Case Refix Edit)
- Dracula
- Titiyo:
Come Along- Come Along (Album Version)
- Come Along (Naid 2001 Remix)
- Come Along (Cherno Jah Remix)
- Come Along (Active Dance Remix)
- Come Along (Demo Version)
- Dire Straits:
Communiqué- Once Upon a Time in the West
- News
- Where Do You Think You’re Going?
- Communiqué
- Lady Writer
- Angel of Mercy
- Portobello Belle
- Single-Handed Sailor
- Follow Me Home
- Kanno, Yoko:
Cowboy Bebop Original Soundtrack I- Tank!
- Rush
- Spokey Dokey
- Bad Dog No Biscuits
- Cat Blues
- Cosmos
- Space Lion
- Waltz for Zizi
- Piano Black
- Pot City
- Too Good, Too Bad
- Car24
- The Egg and I
- Felt Tip Pen
- Rain
- Digging My Potato
- Memory
- Kanno, Yoko:
Cowboy Bebop Original Soundtrack II: No Disc- American Money
- Fantaisie Sign
- Don’t Bother None
- Vitamin A
- Live in Baghdad
- Cats on Mars
- Want It All Back
- Bindy
- You Make Me Cool
- Vitamin B
- Green Bird
- Vitamin C
- Gateway
- The Singing Sea
- The Egg and You
- Forever Broke
- Power of Kung Food Remix (Tank! Remix)
- Kanno, Yoko:
Cowboy Bebop Original Soundtrack III: Blue- Blue
- Words That We Couldn’t Say
- Autumn in Ganymede
- Mushroom Hunting
- Go Go Cactus Man
- Chicken Bone
- The Real Man
- N.Y. Rush
- Adieu
- Call Me Call Me
- Ave Maria
- Stella by Moor
- Flying Teapot
- Wo Qui Non Coin
- Road to the West
- Farewell Blues
- The Real Folk Blues
- Enigma:
Cross of Changes, The- Second Chapter
- The Eyes of Truth
- Return to Innocence
- I Love You… I’ll Kill You
- Silent Warrior
- The Dream of the Dolphin
- Age of Loneliness (Carly’s Song)
- Out from the Deep
- The Cross of Changes
- Compilation:
Cruel Intentions- Placebo – Every You Every Me (Single Mix)
- Fatboy Slim – Praise You (Radio Edit)
- Blur – Coffee & TV
- Day One – Bedroom Dancing
- Counting Crows – Colorblind
- Barry, Kristen – Ordinary Life
- Marcy Playground – Comin’ Up from Behind
- Skunk Anansie – Secretly
- Armstrong, Craig – This Love (feat. Elizabeth Fraser)
- Mann, Aimee – You Could Make a Killing
- Faithless – Addictive
- Moore, Abra – Trip on Love
- Bare Jr. – You Blew Me Off
- Verve, The – Bitter Sweet Symphony
- BAP:
Da Capo- Stadt im Niemandsland
- Fortsetzung folgt
- Shanghai
- Op dä Deckel vum Clown
- Rääts un links vum Bahndamm
- Sandino
- Dat däät joot
- Saison der Container
- Flüchtig
- Collins, Phil:
Dance into the Light- Dance Into the Light
- That’s What You Said
- Lorenzo
- Just Another Story
- Love Police
- Wear My Hat
- It’s in Your Eyes
- Oughta Know By Now
- Take Me Down
- The Same Moon
- River So Wide
- No Matter Who
- The Times They Are A-Changin’
- Iron Maiden:
Dance of Death- Wildest Dreams
- Rainmaker
- No More Lies
- Montségur
- Dance of Death
- Gates of Tomorrow
- New Frontier
- Paschendale
- Face in the Sand
- Age of Innocence
- Journeyman
- Yanni:
Dare to Dream- Once Upon a Time
- A Love for Life
- Nice to Meet You
- So Long My Friend
- You Only Live Once
- To the One Who Knows
- Face in the Photograph
- Felitsa
- Desire
- Aria
- A Night to Remember
- In the Mirror
- Pink Floyd:
Dark Side of the Moon- I Speak to Me, II Breathe
- On the Run
- Time
- The Great Gig in the Sky
- Money
- Us and Them
- Any Colour You Like
- Brain Damage
- Eclipse
- Therion:
Darkness, Of…- The Return
- Asphyxiate with Fear
- Morbid Reality
- Megalomania
- A Suburb to Hell
- Genocidal Raids
- Time Shall Tell
- Dark Eternity
- A Suburb to Hell (Demo Version)
- Asphyxiate With Fear (Demo Version)
- Time Shall Tell (Unreleased Version)
- Dark Eternity (Unreleased Version)
- Björk:
Debut- Human Behavior
- Crying
- Venus As a Boy
- There’s More to Life Than This
- Like Someone in Love
- Big Time Sensuality
- One Day
- Aeroplane
- Come to Me
- Violently Happy
- The Anchor Song
- Play Dead
- Slayer:
Decade of Aggression (Live)- Hell Awaits
- The Anti-Christ
- War Ensemble
- South of Heaven
- Raining Blood
- Altar of Sacrifice
- Jesus Saves
- Dead Skin Mask
- Seasons in the Abyss
- Mandatory Suicide
- Angel of Death
- Slayer:
Decade of Aggression (Live)- Hallowed Point
- Blood Red
- Die By the Sword
- Black Magic
- Captor of Sin
- Born of Fire
- Postmortem
- Spirit in Black
- Expendable Youth
- Chemical Warfare
- Gary:
December Son- December Son
- Fall Apart
- We’ll Be Getting Old
- Two Earth Soups and Year
- Wohlstandskinder, The:
Delikatessen 500 sl- Seelenfänger
- Sonntagslied
- Soap
- Augen wie die
- Reiss das Fenster auf
- Sie betet nur
- Grüss Bob Marley
- Was sie (für) uns bedeuteten
- Andrea ist kein Schmuddelkind mehr
- Träne
- 2 Jahre noch 4 Tage
- Wenn sie mal wieder Blüten trägt
- Ein Tor war es nicht
- Klischee
- Gorillaz:
Demon Days- Intro
- Last Living Souls
- Kids With Guns
- O Green World
- Dirty Harry
- Feel Good Inc.
- Every Planet We Reach Is Dead
- November Has Come, F-MF Doom
- All Alone
- White Light
- Fire Coming Out of a Monkey’s
- Don’t Get Lost in Heaven
- Demon Days
- Clayderman, Richard:
Desperado- Desperado
- Indigo
- Un hotel au bout du monde
- Super Dreaming Day
- Flamingo Road
- Music for Nothing
- Prince of the Rising Sun
- The Ultimate
- Legend of Gorky
- Whimsical Seabird
- Wohlstandskinder, The:
Dezibelkarate- Du, ich und wir zwei
- Kein Radiosong
- Für mich scheint es
- Es gibt keine Balladen mehr
- Lass alles
- Welten daneben
- Penthouse Bewohner
- Satellitenbild
- Einer von Millionen
- Apathisch Warten
- Deine Zahlen sehen wie immer aus
- Jedes bisschen gar nichts
- Oasen im Ozean
- Knote, Andy:
Digimon Gold- Leb deinen Traum
- Ich werde da sein
- Dein Herz zerbricht
- Wir werden siegen
- Devimon
- Jetzt ist es soweit
- Du bist mein Digimon
- Matt’s Song
- Wenn ich dich wieder seh
- Zeig mir das Licht
- Warte nicht auf mich
- Alles wird gut
- Vertrau mir
- Wir drehen auf
- Wenn die Sonne unter geht
- Leb deinen Traum (Acoustic)
- Unsere Digiwelt
- Run Around
- Here We Go
- Hey Digimon
- Butterfly
- Target
- Knote, Andy:
Digimon TV-Soundtrack Vol. 1- Leb deinen Traum
- Wir werden siegen
- Alles wird gut
- Devimon
- Ich bleib bei dir
- Zeig mir das Licht
- Du bist mein Digimon
- Unser Stern
- Willkommen in unserer Welt
- Wie stark ist dein Digimon
- Lass mich nicht allein
- Vertrau mir
- Ich vermisse euch
- Mimi’s Song
- Leb deinen Traum (Karaoke Version)
- Knote, Andy:
Digimon TV-Soundtrack Vol. 2- Ich werde da sein
- Wir drehen auf
- Jetzt ist es soweit
- Geh deinen Weg
- Sag mir deinen Namen
- Ich vermisse dich
- Wenn ich dich wieder seh
- Dein Herz zerbricht (Falsche Freunde)
- Tausend Tage
- Wir werden bei dir sein
- Warte nicht auf mich
- Digi Mix: Matt’s Song, Dein Traum wird wahr, Superstar, Mein Lied für dich
- Ich werde da sein (Karaoke Version)
- Dire Straits:
Dire Straits- Down to the Waterline
- Water of Love
- Setting Me Up
- Six Blade Knife
- Southbound Again
- Sultans of Swing
- In the Gallery
- Wild West End
- Lions
- Jarre, Maurice:
Doctor Zhivago- Overture from “Doctor Zhivago”
- Main Title from “Doctor Zhivago”
- Lara Leaves Yuri
- At the Student Cafe
- Komarovsky and Lara’s Rendez-Vous
- Revolution
- Lara’s Theme from “Doctor Zhivago”
- The Funeral
- Sventytski’s Waltz
- Yuri Escapes
- Tonya Arrives at Varykino
- Yuri Writes a Poem for Lara
- Sound of Nature, The:
Dolphins Delight- Natural Sounds with Music, Part I
- Natural Sounds with Music, Part II
- Natural Sounds with Music, Part III
- Natural Sounds with Music, Part IV
- Natural Sounds with Music, Part V
- Natural Sounds with Music, Part VI
- Natural Sounds with Music, Part VII
- Guano Apes:
Don’t Give Me Names- Innocent Greed
- No Speech
- Big in Japan
- Money & Milk
- Living in a Lie
- Dödel Up
- I Want It
- Heaven
- Mine All Mine
- Too Close to Leave
- Gogan
- Anne Claire
- Ain’t Got time
- Living in a Lie (Unplugged)
- Anne Claire (Unplugged)
- Compilation:
Dracula 2001- Powerman 5000 – Ultra Mega
- Disturbed – A Welcome Burden
- Slayer – Bloodline
- System of a Down – Metro
- Monster Magnet – Heads Explode
- Godhead – Break You Down (feat. Marilyn Manson)
- Linkin Park – One Step Closer
- Pantera – Avoid the Light
- Static-X – Os+Ego Undead
- (Hed) P. E. – Swan Dive
- Taproot – Day By Day
- Endo – Malice
- Flybanger – Blind World
- Half Cocked – Sober
- Saliva – Your Disease
- Knote, Andy:
Dragonball Z: Der offizielle Soundtrack- Cha-La Head Cha-La
- Wenn der Angriff beginnt
- Blauer Planet
- Das Geheimnis
- Die Ruhe vor dem Sturm
- Es liegt in deiner Hand
- Es wird Nacht
- Vollmond
- Bist du bereit?
- Radditz vs. Piccolo
- Auf dünnem Eis
- Sieben
- Müde
- Cha-La Head Cha-La (Original Tv-Intro)
- Jackson, Michael:
Earth Song- Earth Song
- Earth Song (Hani’s Radio Experience)
- Earth Song (Hani’s Around the World Experience)
- You Are Not Alone (Knuckluv Dub Version)
- MJ Megaremix
- Lacrimosa:
Echos- Kyrie
- Durch Nacht und Flut
- Sacrifice
- Apart
- Ein Hauch von Menschlichkeit
- Eine Nacht in Ewigkeit
- Malina
- Die Schreie sind verstummt
- Compilation:
Edition Rock & Pop: Die zärtlichsten Rock & Pop Balladen- Simply Red – Holding Back the Years
- Moyet, Alison – All Cried Out
- Rush, Jennifer – The Power of Love
- Lauper, Cyndi – All through the Night
- Rea, Chris – Josephine
- Young, Paul – Every Time You Go Away
- Batt, Mike – The Winds of Change
- Withers, Bill – Ain’t No Sunshine
- Earth, Wind & Fire – After the Love Has Gone
- Franklin, Aretha – Walk on By
- McKenzie, Scott – San Francisco
- Jacks, Terry – Seasons in the Sun
- Toto – I’ll Be Over You
- Marillion – Kayleigh
- Stigers, Curtis – I Wonder Why
- Santana – Black Magic Woman
- Boomtown Rats, The – I Don’t Like Mondays
- Compilation:
Eighties Stars- ABC – The Look of Love (Part 1)
- Tears for Fears – Shout (Single Version, German Edit)
- Soft Cell – Tainted Love (7” Single Version)
- Visage – Fade to Grey
- Animotion – I Engineer
- Jeremy Days, The – Brand New Toy
- Cole, Lloyd and the Commotions – Jennifer She Said (Album Version)
- Style Council, The – Shout to the Top (Full Version)
- Jackson, Joe – Steppin Out (Album Version)
- Chung, Wang – Dance Hall Days
- Kershaw, Nik – Wouldn’t It Be Good (Album Version)
- Big Country – Look Away
- Level 42 – Lessons in Love
- Camouflage – The Great Commandment
- Compilation:
Eighties Stars- Wilde, Kim – You Keep Me Hangin’ On
- Status Quo – In the Army Now (Album Version)
- Frida – I Know There’s Something Going On
- Cameo – Word Up
- Rockwell – Somebody’s Watching Me (Single Version)
- Musical Youth – Pass the Dutchie (Original 7” Version)
- Dexy’s Midnight Runners – Come On Eileen
- Sembello, Michael – Maniac
- Faltermeyer, Harold – Axel F (Album Version)
- Styx – Mr. Roboto
- Saga – Wind Him Up
- Fancy – Slice Me Nice
- Harvest, Barclay James – Child of the Universe (Live in Berlin)
- Kool & The Gang – Cherish (Single Version)
- Lacrimosa:
Einsamkeit- Tränen der Sehnsucht (Part I & II)
- Reissende Blicke
- Einsamkeit
- Diener eines Geistes
- Loblied auf die Zweisamkeit
- Bresso
- Kunze, Michael, Levay, Sylvester:
Elisabeth (Highlights Colosseum Theater Essen 2001)- Prolog (Alle tanzen mit dem Tod)
- Wie du
- Der letzte Tanz
- Ich gehöre nur mir
- Elisabeth, mach auf mein Engel
- Milch
- Ich will dir nur sagen
- Kitsch!
- Wenn ich tanzen will
- Mama, wo bist du?
- Nur kein genieren!
- Nichts, nichts, gar nichts
- Die Schatten werden länger
- Wenn ich dein Spiegel wär
- Boote in der Nacht
- Der Schleier fällt
- Wohlstandskinder, The:
En Garde- Am Ende nichts
- Groschenromantik
- Das ist bloß der Sonnenstich
- Sechs Milliarden und ich
- Hätte er die Wahl
- Sonnenbrillengestell
- Frederik
- Jemand
- Zukunftseinheitsbrei
- Lied eines Träumers
- Der Philosoph
- Dein Jesus
- Rosa Radio
- Das blaue Kleid
- Wir sehen uns in Las Vegas
- Die Zahl
- 大森俊之:
End of Evangelion, The — 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン劇場版- 他人の干渉
- 真夏の終演
- 退行への緊急避難
- 偽りの、再生
- 身代わりの侵入
- 管弦楽組曲第3番ニ長調BWV1068〜第2曲アリア(バッハ)
- 空しき流れ
- タナトス〜イフ・アイ・キャント・ビー・ユアーズ(ロレン&マッシュ)
- 始まりへの逃避
- 不安との密月
- Komm, süßer Tod(甘き死よl、来たれ)
- 心と口と行いと命もてBWV147〜主よ、人の望みの喜びよ(バッハ)
- 閉塞の拡大
- 夢のスキマ
- Circle of Grin:
End Will Be the Same, The- The End Will Be the Same
- What I Got
- Hull of Skin
- Turn Your Back on Me
- Quicksand
- Farin Urlaub:
Endlich Urlaub!- Intro (Manche nennen es Musik)
- Jeden Tag Sonntag
- Glücklich
- Ich gehöre nicht dazu
- Ok
- Der Kavalier
- Am Strand
- Wunderbar
- Das schöne Mädchen
- 1000 Jahre schlechten Sex
- …Und die Gitarre war noch warm
- Lieber Staat
- Phänomenal egal
- Abschiedslied
- Outro (Ja, das wurde auch Zeit)
- Era:
Era- Ameno (Remix)
- Mother (Remix)
- Avemano
- Enae Volare Mezzo
- Misere Mani
- Cathar Rythm
- Ameno
- Sempire D’amor
- Mother
- Mirror
- Era
- Impera
- Era:
Era- Omen Score
- Divano
- Devore Amante
- Sentence
- Don’t U
- Infanati
- Madona
- Hymne
- Misere Mani
- In Fine
- Rea, Chris:
Espresso Logic- Espresso Logic
- Red
- Soup of the Day
- Johnny Needs a Fast Car
- Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
- Julia
- Summer Love
- New Way
- Stop
- She Closed Her Eyes
- Sagisu, Shiro:
Evangelion: Death- チェロー第四弦調弦
- Suiten für Violoncello Solo Nr.1 G-Dur, BWV.1007: 1. Vorspiel
- Dvorak (Original Complete Version)
- ヴァイオリンー第二弦 調弦
- Partita III für Violino Solo E-Dur, BWV.1006: 3. Gavotte in Rondo
- ヴィオラー第三弦 調弦
- 優しさの代理
- 吾への、涙
- 未了への、調律
- Kanon D-Dur (Quartet)
- The Sorrow of Losing the Object of One’s Dependence II
- 虚妄への、依存
- 脆弱な、自我境界
- Kanon D-Dur (Strings Orchestra)
- 偽りの、再生
- Dies irae (Requiem)
- Alan Parsons Project, The:
Eve- Lucifer
- You Lie Down With Dogs
- I’d Rather Be a Man
- You Won’t Be There
- Winding Me Up
- Damned If I Do
- Don’t Hold Back
- Secret Garden
- If I Could Change Your Mind
- Rotessa 4:
Fallezwei4rot.- Die Falle
- Nicht für immer
- So Why So Sad
- Ganz für mich
- Alles was wir hatten
- Litanei
- Excrementory Grindfuckers:
Fertigmachen, Szeneputzen!- Prelude: Szene putzen
- Intro
- Back in Anal Territory
- Interlude: Wauzi
- Marder, Hund und Schwein
- Mexicore
- Interlude: Segel
- Grindfuckers
- Im Graben vor mir
- Interlude: Muße
- Grindcore Joe
- How II Make a Grind
- Grind gehört zu Core
- Interlude: Pilze
- Excrementory G.Punkt
- I Like My Grindcore
- Interlude: Harry’s Po
- Verdammter Grindcore
- Grindcore(a)sozialprodukt
- Interlude: Yippie
- Karamba Karacho ein Grindcore
- Neue Deutsche soziale Härte
- Kraft zum Leben
- Da-Da-Da? (Party Mix)
- Enter Madman 1
- Enter Bluesman 2
- Interlude: Tee
- Greiscore 66(6)
- Untitled [1]
- Wann spielt ihr endlich wieder Grindcore?
- Interlude: Puppen
- Ungrind My Heart
- Interlude: Schnee im Koppe
- Thrash Is Fresh
- Grinfuckers Lügen Nicht
- Zlatcore
- Güllepille
- Interlude: Schlüpfer
- Burner
- Das Haar
- Interlude: Das Ende
- For Whom the Shit Rolls
- Grindcore Jack
- The Meshuggles – Yellow Breed Machine
- Mr. Grind
- Interlude: Fahrschein
- Dröhnung Light
- Untitled [2]
- Supermarket Knight
- Grindcore machen lohnt sich nicht, My Darling
- Interlude: Muße Chocolat
- Grindcore for the Masses
- Sweet Grind Alabama
- Idiotic
- Der Turmkacker
- Anitas Tod
- Interlude: Ballerboost
- I Will Always Ultra
- Grindfuckers out of Hell
- Grindcore im Gummiboot
- Nebelmacht – Ganz im Grind
- Interlude: Schipse
- Another Grindcore of Us
- Untitled [3]
- Ganz im Grind (Reprise)
- Untitled [4]
- Entengrind
- Ein Grind, ein guter Grind
- Grindcore Is Love
- Interlude: Petersilie
- Hallo Bomme
- 99 Grindcoresongs (Part 01)
- 99 Grindcoresongs (Part 02)
- 99 Grindcoresongs (Part 03)
- 99 Grindcoresongs (Part 04)
- 99 Grindcoresongs (Part 05)
- 99 Grindcoresongs (Part 06)
- 99 Grindcoresongs (Part 07)
- 99 Grindcoresongs (Part 08)
- 99 Grindcoresongs (Part 09)
- 99 Grindcoresongs (Part 10)
- 99 Grindcoresongs (Part 11)
- 99 Grindcoresongs (Part 12)
- 99 Grindcoresongs (Part 13)
- 99 Grindcoresongs (Part 14)
- 99 Grindcoresongs (Part 15)
- 99 Grindcoresongs (Part 16)
- 99 Grindcoresongs (Part 17)
- 99 Grindcoresongs (Part 18)
- 99 Grindcoresongs (Part 19)
- 99 Grindcoresongs (Part 20)
- 99 Grindcoresongs (Part 21)
- 99 Grindcoresongs (Part 22)
- 99 Grindcoresongs (Part 23)
- 99 Grindcoresongs (Part 24)
- 99 Grindcoresongs (Part 25)
- 99 Grindcoresongs (Part 26)
- 99 Grindcoresongs (Part 27)
- 99 Grindcoresongs (Part 28)
- Sting:
Fields of Gold: The Best of Sting 1984-1994- When We Dance
- If You Love Somebody Set Them Free
- Fields of Gold
- All This Time
- Englishman in New York
- Mad About You
- It’s Probably Me
- They Dance Alone (Cueca Solo)
- If I Ever Lose My Faith in You
- Fragile
- We’ll Be Together
- Moon Over Bourbon Street
- Love Is the Seventh Wave
- Russians
- Why Should I Cry For You?
- This Cowboy Song
- Fragilidad
- Shakira:
Fijación Oral: Vol. 1- En Tus Pupilas
- La Pared
- La Tortura
- Para Obtener Un Sí
- Día Especial
- Escondite Inglés
- No
- Las De La Intuición
- Día De Enero
- Lo Imprescindible
- La Pared (Versión Acústica)
- La Tortura (Shaketon Remix)
- 植松伸夫:
Final Fantasy I & II: Origins オリジナル・サウンドトラック- Opening Movie
- Opening Movie +SE
- Opening Demo
- Prelude
- Opening Theme
- Kouneria Shiro
- Main Theme
- Kaosu no Shinten
- Matouya no Doukutsu
- Machi
- Misa
- Fune
- Gaitei Shinten
- Dungeon
- Menu Gamen
- Hikuusen
- Gurugu Kasan
- Fuyuu Shiro
- Sentou Scene
- Shouri
- Dead Music
- Save Music
- Kyoukai
- Sutareta Shira
- Lute
- Hashi o Kakero
- Fukaki Basho e
- Fanfair
- Crystal Fukkatsu
- Daiji na Mono Get
- Yadoya
- Chuu
- Boss Battle A
- Boss Battle B
- Last Battle
- Ending Theme
- 植松伸夫, Sekito, Tsuyoshi:
Final Fantasy I & II: Origins オリジナル・サウンドトラック- Opening Movie
- Opening Movie +SE
- Opening Theme
- Prelude
- Sentou Scene 1
- Ikikaeri no Ma
- Saikai
- Hanrangun no Theme
- Machi
- Main Theme
- Pandemonium Shiro
- Teikokugun no Theme
- Chocobo no Theme
- Madoushi no Tou
- Dasshutsu!
- Kojou
- Dungeon
- Koutei Fukkatsu
- Shouri
- Waltz
- Oujo no Yuuwaku
- Dead Music
- Fanfair
- Nakama ni Kuwaeru
- Yadoya
- Sentou Scene A
- Sentou Scene B
- Sentou Scene 2
- Finale
- 植松伸夫:
Final Fantasy IX オリジナル・サウンドトラック- いつか帰るところ
- 嵐に消された記憶
- 作戦会議
- アレクサンドリアの空
- ビビのテーマ
- この刃に懸けて
- Vamo’ alla Flamenco
- 決行、姫をさがして
- 月なきみそらの道化師たち
- スタイナーのテーマ
- プリマビスタ楽団
- 奪われた瞳
- 今宵
- あなたのぬくもり
- あやまちの愛
- 深淵の女王
- ざわめく森
- バトル1
- ファンファーレ
- あの日の記憶
- バトル2
- ゲームオーバー
- 走れ!
- おやすみ
- あの丘を越えて
- 氷の洞窟
- 辺境の村ダリ
- 黄昏の彼方に
- 盲進スタイナー
- 限りある時間(とき)
- ジタンのテーマ
- Black Waltz
- 植松伸夫:
Final Fantasy IX オリジナル・サウンドトラック- シドのテーマ
- 一難去って…
- リンドブルム
- 記憶の歌
- ハンターチャンス
- ク族の沼
- クイナのテーマ
- アロハ・DE・チョコボ
- ウクレ・LE・チョコボ
- フライヤのテーマ
- 国境の南ゲート
- フェアリーバトル
- プルメシア王国
- 忘れられぬ面影
- クジャのテーマ
- 迷いの剣
- 眠らない街, トレノ
- タンタラスのテーマ
- 背徳の旋律
- ガーネットのテーマ
- 古根の道 ガルガン・ルー
- クレイラの幹
- クレイラの街
- 永遠の豊穣, Eternal Harvest
- 空を愁いて
- Extraction
- 植松伸夫:
Final Fantasy IX オリジナル・サウンドトラック- 襲撃
- ローズ・オブ・メイ
- フォッシル・ルー
- 山吹く里、コンデヤ・パタ
- 黒魔道士の村
- とどかぬ想い
- 神前の儀
- エーコのテーマ
- 廃虚マダイン・サリ
- 召喚壁
- イーファの樹
- サラマンダーのテーマ
- 欲望の足音
- おれたちゃ盗賊
- ラブレター大作戦
- クアッド・ミスト
- モーグリのテーマ
- 守るべきもの
- 召喚されし者
- 時の管理者
- ウイユヴェール
- 刻まれた過去
- 振りカエルと奴がいる
- 聖なる地 エスト・ガザ
- グルグ火山
- Dissipating Magic
- 植松伸夫:
Final Fantasy IX オリジナル・サウンドトラック- 飛空艇, ヒルダガルデ
- 隠者の書庫, ダゲレオ
- イプセンの古城
- 4枚の鏡
- それぞれの戦い
- テラ
- 魂無き村, ブラン・バル
- 時を刻む城パンデモニウム
- 独りじゃない!
- 消えぬ悲しみ
- 悪霧ふたたび
- 銀竜戦
- 記憶の場所
- クリスタルワールド
- 破滅への使者
- 最後の闘い
- 甘く悲しい恋
- 裏切りの口づけ
- 君の小鳥になりたい
- 盗めぬ二人のこころ
- その扉の向こうに
- Melodies of Life
- プレリュード
- Melodies of Life (アカペラバージョン)
- 植松伸夫:
Final Fantasy VI Piano Collection- Tina
- Gau
- Kefca
- Spinach Rag
- Stragus
- The Mystic Forest
- Kids Run Through the City Corner
- Johnny C Bad
- Mystery Train
- The Decisive Battle
- Coin Song
- Celes
- Waltz de Chocobo
- 植松伸夫:
Final Fantasy VII オリジナル・サウンドトラック- プレリュード
- オープニング、爆破ミッション
- 魔晄炉
- 不安な心
- ティファのテーマ
- パレットのテーマ
- 急げ!
- 闇に潜む
- 神羅カンパニー
- 闘う者達
- ファンファーレ
- 教会に咲く花
- タークスのテーマ
- 腐ったピザの下で
- 虐げられた民衆
- 蜜蜂の館
- お前は…誰だ
- スラムのドン
- 神羅ビル潜入
- 更に闘う者達
- レッド13のテーマ
- クレイジーモーターサイクル
- Holding My Thoughts in My Heart
- 植松伸夫:
Final Fantasy VII オリジナル・サウンドトラック- F.F.7 メインテーマ
- 旅の途中で
- お休み、また明日
- 年前のあの日
- 牧場の少年
- ワルツ・デ・チョコボ
- エレキ・デ・チョコボ
- シンコ・デ・チョコボ
- 黒マントの男を追え
- 鷺の砦
- ルーファウス歓迎式典
- 二本足で立つもの難しいものだな
- 血の跡
- J-E-N-O-V-A
- つづきから
- 太陽の海岸
- 裏切り者の烙印
- 炭坑の街
- ゴールドソーサー
- ゲット・シーのテーマ
- The Sandy Badlands
- 植松伸夫:
Final Fantasy VII オリジナル・サウンドトラック- 星降る峡谷
- 生命の流れ
- 偉大なる戦士
- 忍びの末裔
- 星に選ばれし者
- 悪夢の始まり
- シドのテーマ
- タイニーブロンコを奪え!
- ウータイ
- マテリアいただき
- 本命穴チョコボ
- フィドル・デ・チョコボ
- 大当たりぃ~
- 涙のタンゴ
- 初舞台
- 花火に消された言葉
- 樹海の神殿
- 星の声が聞こえる
- エアリスのテーマ
- 雪に閉ざされて
- 北の大空洞
- リユニオン
- Who Am I
- 植松伸夫:
Final Fantasy VII オリジナル・サウンドトラック- 神羅軍総攻撃
- ウェポン襲来
- 空駆けるハイウインド
- 深海に眠る秘密
- 偏狭の村
- 絶望の淵から
- 山の向こうに
- もっと急げ!
- 宇宙への夢
- 秒読み開始
- 心開けば
- 魔晄キャノン発射, 神羅爆発
- 最期の日
- 完全なるジェノヴァ
- 神の誕生
- 片翼の天使
- 星の危機
- スタッフロール
- 植松伸夫:
Final Fantasy VII リユニオン・トラックス- オープニング〜爆破ミッション
- 星降る峡谷
- 更に闘う者達
- 牧場の少年
- ルーファウス歓迎式典
- エレキ・デ・チョコボ
- 蜂蜜の館
- シドのテーマ
- 樹海の神殿
- 闘う者達
- 旅の途中で
- ゴールドソーサー
- クレイジーモーターサイクル
- ケットシーのテーマ
- 忍びの末裔
- J-E-N-O-V-A
- F.F.7メインテーマ(オーケストラ・ヴァージョン)
- 片翼の天使(オーケストラ・ヴァージョン)
- エアリスのテーマ
- One Winged Angel (Hidden Track)
- 植松伸夫:
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children オリジナル・サウンドトラック- Opening
- 約束の地
- Beyond the Wasteland
- Sign
- ティファのテーマ(Piano Version)
- For the Reunion
- 闘う者達(Piano Version)
- Water
- Materia
- Black Water
- エアリスのテーマ(Piano Version)
- Battle in the Forgotten City
- Violator
- 北の大空洞(FF7 AC Version)
- 植松伸夫:
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children オリジナル・サウンドトラック- 天来1
- 闘う者達(FF7 AC Version)
- 更に闘う者達(FF7 AC Version)
- 天来2
- Encounter
- The Chase of Highway
- Savior
- J-E-N-O-V-A (FFVII AC version)
- 再臨:片翼の天使
- Cloud Smiles
- End Credits
- Calling
- 植松伸夫:
Final Fantasy VIII オリジナル・サウンドトラック- Liberi Fatali
- Balamb Garden
- Blue Fields
- Don’t Be Afraid
- The Winner
- Find Your Way
- SeeD
- The Landing
- Starting Up
- Force Your Way
- The Loser
- Never Look Back
- Dead End
- Breezy
- Shuffle or Boogie
- Waltz for the Moon
- Tell Me
- Fear
- The Man with the Machine Gun
- Julia
- Roses and Wine
- Junction
- Timber Owls
- 植松伸夫:
Final Fantasy VIII オリジナル・サウンドトラック- My Mind
- The Mission
- Martial Law
- Cactus Jack (Galbadian Anthem)
- Only a Plank Between One and Perdition
- Succession of Witches
- Galbadia Garden
- Unrest
- Under Her Control
- The Stage Is Set
- A Sacrafice
- Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec
- Intruders
- Premonition
- Wounded
- Fragments of Memories
- Jailed
- Rivals
- Ami
- 植松伸夫:
Final Fantasy VIII オリジナル・サウンドトラック- The Spy
- Retaliation
- Movin’
- Blue Sky
- Drifting
- Heresy
- Fisherman’s Horizon
- Odeka ke Chocobo
- Where I Belong
- The Oath
- Slide Show Part1
- Slide Show Part2
- Love Grows
- The Salt Flats
- Trust Me
- Silence and Motion
- Dance with the Balamb-Fish
- Tears of the Moon
- Residents
- Eyes on Me
- 植松伸夫:
Final Fantasy VIII オリジナル・サウンドトラック- Mods De Chocobo (フィーチャリングN’sテレキャスター)
- Ride On
- Truth
- Lunatic Pandora
- Compression of Time
- The Castle
- The Legendary Beast
- Maybe I’m a Lion
- The Extreme
- The Successor
- Ending Theme
- Overture
- 植松伸夫, 森田成一:
Final Fantasy X オリジナル・サウンドトラック- 「全部話しておきたいんだ」
- ザナルカンドにて
- プレリュード
- ティーダのテーマ
- Otherworld
- 急げ!!
- これはお前の物語だ
- 不気味
- ノーマルバトル
- 勝利のファンファーレ
- ゲームオーバー
- 夢も希望もありません
- 暗躍
- 海底遺跡
- チイはアルベド族
- 敵襲
- ブリッツに賭けた男達
- ビサイド島
- スピラの情景
- 祈りの歌
- 幻想
- 試練の間
- 祈りの歌~ヴァルファーレ
- 召喚
- 大召喚士の娘
- おやすみ
- 植松伸夫:
Final Fantasy X オリジナル・サウンドトラック- ユウナのテーマ
- 萌動
- 異界送り
- 嵐の前の静けさ
- 祈りの歌・イフリート
- ルカ
- マイカ総老師歓迎
- 不撓の決意
- The Splendid Performance
- 対峙
- Blitz Off
- アーロンのテーマ
- ミヘン街道
- ブラスDEチョコボ
- 旅行公司
- 通行を許可します
- シーモアのテーマ
- 宵闇
- ジョゼ寺院
- 祈りの歌・イクシオン
- シパーフ乗るぅ?
- リュックのテーマ
- グアドサラム
- 植松伸夫:
Final Fantasy X オリジナル・サウンドトラック- 雷平原
- ジェクトのテーマ
- マカラーニャの森
- 霧海
- 寺院楽隊
- シーモアの野望
- 祈りの歌―シヴァ
- 迫りくる者たち
- 灼熱の砂漠
- 危機
- 明かされた真実
- 発進
- 結婚式
- 襲撃
- 悲劇
- 私は飛べる
- 浄罪の路
- 祈りの歌~バハムート
- 審判の時
- 父を殺めた男
- 素敵だね
- 植松伸夫:
Final Fantasy X オリジナル・サウンドトラック- ユウナの決意
- ルールーのテーマ
- 勇ましく進め
- 祈りの歌~ようじんぼう
- 極北の民
- 祈りの歌~ロンゾ族
- 彷徨の炎
- いつか終わる夢
- 祈りの歌~ユウナレスカ
- 挑戦
- 深淵の果てに
- 暗澹
- 祈りの歌~スピラ
- 死人(しびと)が笑う
- シーモアバトル
- 祈りの歌~アニマ
- 召喚戦バトル
- 決戦
- Ending Theme
- 「思い出してください」
- 素敵だね
- Compilation:
Final Fantasy XI: Chains of Promathia オリジナル・サウンドトラック- Mizuta, Naoshi – Unity
- Mizuta, Naoshi – Moblin Menagerie: Movalpolos
- Mizuta, Naoshi – Depths of the Soul
- Mizuta, Naoshi – Faded Memories: Promyvion
- Mizuta, Naoshi – Currents of Time
- Mizuta, Naoshi, 植松伸夫 – First Ode: Nocturne of the Gods
- Mizuta, Naoshi – A New Horizon: Tavnazian Archipelago
- Mizuta, Naoshi – Onslaught
- Mizuta, Naoshi – The Forgotten City: Tavnazian Safehold
- Mizuta, Naoshi, 植松伸夫 – Second Ode: Distant Promises
- Mizuta, Naoshi – The Ruler of the Skies
- Mizuta, Naoshi – Turmoil
- Mizuta, Naoshi, 植松伸夫 – Third Ode: Memoria de la S^tona
- Mizuta, Naoshi – Happily Ever After
- Mizuta, Naoshi – Conflict: You Want to Live Forever?
- Mizuta, Naoshi – Conflict: March of the Hero
- Mizuta, Naoshi – Fourth Ode: Clouded Dawn
- Mizuta, Naoshi – Words Unspoken: Pso’Xja
- Mizuta, Naoshi – Fifth Ode: A Time for Prayer
- Mizuta, Naoshi – The Celestial Capital: Al’Taieu
- Mizuta, Naoshi – Gates of Paradise: The Garden of Ru’Hmet
- Mizuta, Naoshi – Dusk and Dawn
- Mizuta, Naoshi – A New Morning
- Tanioka, Kumi, Star Onions – Gustaberg (Bonus Track)
- Electric Light Orchestra:
Gold Collection, The- 10538 Overture
- Mr. Radio
- All Over the World (Showdown Early Version)
- Look at Me Now
- Manhattan Rumble (49th Street Massacre)
- In Old England Town (Boogie No. 2)
- My Woman (Ma Ma Belle Early Version)
- Roll over Beethoven
- The Battle of Marston Moor (July 2nd 1644)
- Queen of the Hours
- Showdown (Single Version)
- First Movement (Jumping Biz)
- Whisper in the Night
- Momma
Gold: Greatest Hits- Dancing Queen
- Knowing Me, Knowing You
- Take a Chance on Me
- Mamma Mia
- Lay All Your Love on Me
- Super Trouper
- I Have a Dream
- The Winner Takes It All
- Money, Money, Money
- S.O.S.
- Chiquitita
- Fernando
- Voulez Vous
- Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)
- Does Your Mother Know
- One of Us
- The Name of the Game
- Thank You for the Music
- Waterloo
- Iwadare, Noriyuki:
Grandia Original Soundtrack I- Theme of Grandia
- The Sandy Beach of Ganbo
- Delightful Adventure
- Farewell to Sue
- Ancient Illusionary Castle
- Mullen
- The Beautiful Woman of Alent
- Ghost Ship
- The Edge of the World
- Approaching Crisis
- Leen’s Love Theme
- Iwadare, Noriyuki:
Grandia Original Soundtrack I- Prelude
- Town of Palm
- Sea Cat Restaurant Lily
- Sart Ruins
- New Palm, Frontier of Our Hearts
- Domu Ruins
- Duel with Gadwin
- Daito Town
- Prayers of Ganbo
- Twin Tower
- Kafu Village
- Jilpadon
- Snow Town Raynu
- Stand and Rise! Justin
- Rosenstolz:
Herz- Willkommen
- Liebe ist alles
- Ausgesperrt
- Eine Frage des Lichts
- Das gelbe Monster
- Die Liebe ist tot
- Ich will mich verlieben
- In den Sand gesetzt
- Ich komm an Dir nicht weiter
- Das Beste im Leben
- Gib mir mehr Himmel
- Augenblick (Dezember)
- Compilation:
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, The- Talbot, Joby – The Dolphins
- Hilary Summers, Ominiyi, Kemi, R’svp Voices, The – So Long & Thanks for All the Fish
- Talbot, Joby – Arthur Wakes Up
- Wright, Betty – Shoo-Rah! Shoo-Rah!
- Green, Al – Here I Am (Come and Take Me)
- Talbot, Joby – Destruction of Earth
- Talbot, Joby – Journey of the Sorcerer
- Talbot, Joby – The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
- Talbot, Joby – Inside the Vogon Ship
- Talbot, Joby – Vogon Poetry
- Talbot, Joby – Space
- Talbot, Joby – Vogon Command Centre
- Talbot, Joby – Trillian & Arthur Reunited
- Talbot, Joby – Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster
- Talbot, Joby – Tea in Space
- Talbot, Joby – Deep Thought
- Talbot, Joby – Infinite Improbability Drive
- Talbot, Joby – Viltvodle Street Music
- Crouch, Gabriel – Huma’s Hymn
- Talbot, Joby – Capture of Trillian
- Talbot, Joby – Vogcity
- Talbot, Joby – Love
- Talbot, Joby – The Whale
- Talbot, Joby – Planet Factory Floor
- Talbot, Joby – Earth Mark II
- Como, Perry – Magic Moments
- Talbot, Joby – Shootout
- Talbot, Joby – Finale
- Talbot, Joby – Blast Off
- Hannon, Neil – So Long & Thanks for All the Fish (Reprise)
- Talbot, Joby – Careless Talk
- Dunlop, Andy, Norman, Chuck, Payne, Douglas, Balke, Fran, Thomas, Hannah, Barradas, Miggy, Hannon, Neil – Vote Beeblebrox
- Fry, Stephen – Reasons to Be Miserable (His Name Is Marvin)
- Letzte Instanz:
Kalter Glanz- Am Anfang…
- Ganz oder gar nicht
- Kalter Glanz
- In meiner Erinnerung
- Mein Todestag
- Kopfkino
- Das schönste Lied der Welt
- Mit mir allein
- Gewissen
- Oh, Fortuna
- So ein Wind
- Auf der Suche
- Tiersen, Yann:
Le Fabuleux Destin d’Amélie Poulain- J’y Suis Jamais Allé
- Les Jours Tristes (Instrumental)
- La Valse d’Amélie
- Comptine D’un Autre Été: L’après Midi
- La Noyée
- L’autre Valse d’Amélie
- Guilty
- A Quai
- Le Moulin
- Pas Si Simple
- La Valse d’Amélie (Version Orchestre)
- La Valse Des Vieux Os
- La Dispute
- Si Tu N’étais Pas Là (Frébel)
- Soir De Fête
- La Redécouverte
- Sur Le Fil
- Le Banquet
- La Valse d’Amélie (Version Piano)
- La Valse Des Montres
- [LAW]:
Life After Weekend- XXX
- Snipper
- Only After
- Being Different
- Debbie
- Please Explain
- Gorgeous
- Son 2*16
- 3/4
- Pisshead
- Nail
- When It Dies
- Vicious Vermin
- Enigma:
Love Sensuality Devotion (The Remix Collection)- Turn Around (Northern Lights Club Mix)
- Age of Loneliness (Enigmatic Club Mix)
- Push the Limits (ATB Mix)
- Gravity of Love (Judgement Day Club Mix)
- Return to Innocence (3X0 Midnight Remix)
- Sadness, Part I (Violent U.S. Remix)
- Principles of Lust (Everlasting Lust Mix)
- Mea Culpa (Fading Shades Mix)
- T.N.T. for the Brain (Midnight Man Mix)
- Mamas and the Papas, The:
Mama’s & Papa’s- Go Where You Wanna Go
- Mississippi (Down on the Bayou)
- Dedicated to the One I Love
- Straight Shooter
- Sunday Will Never Be the Same
- I Saw Her Again
- Dream a Little Dream of Me
- Creeque Alley
- Monday, Monday
- California Dreamin’
Mamma Mia! Deutsche Originalaufnahme aus dem Operettenhaus Hamburg- Sophie / Prologue, Mich trägt mein Traum (I Have a Dream)
- Honey, Honey
- Money, Money, Money
- Danke für die Lieder (Thank You For the Music)
- Mamma Mia
- Chiquitita
- Dancing Queen
- Leg dein Herz an eine Leine (Lay All Your Love on Me)
- Souper Trouper
- Gib mir, gib mir, gib mir! (Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!)
- Was ist das für ein Spiel? (The Name of the Game)
- Voulez-Vous
- Entr’Acte
- Unter Beschuss (Under Attack)
- Einer von uns (One of Us)
- S.O.S.
- Wenn das Mami wüsst (Does Your Mother Know)
- Ich bin ich, Du bist Du (Knowing Me, Knowing You)
- Unser Sommer (Our Last Summer)
- Durch meine Finger rinnt die Zeit (Slipping Through My Fingers)
- Der Sieger hat die Wahl (The Winner Takes It All)
- Komm und wag’s mit mir (Take a Chance on Me)
- Ich will, Ich will, Ich will, Ich will, Ich will (I do, I do, I do, I do, I do)
- Mich trägt mein Traum (I Have a Dream)
- Sherman:
Mary Poppins- Overture
- The Perfect Nanny
- Sister Suffragette
- The Life I Lead
- A Spoonful of Sugar
- Pavement Artist
- Jolly Holiday
- Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
- Stay Awake
- I Love to Laugh
- A British Bank
- Feed the Birds
- Fidelity Fiduciary Bank
- Chim Chim Cher-ee
- Step in Time
- A Man Has Dreams
- Let’s Go Fly a Kite
- In Extremo:
Mein rasend Herz- Raue See
- Horizont
- Wessebronner Gebet
- Nur ihr allein
- Fontaine La Jolie
- Macht und Dummheit
- Tannbuser
- Liam
- Rasend Herz
- Singapur
- Poc Vecem
- Spielmann
- Krezip:
Nothing Less- All Unsaid
- Won’t Cry
- Give My Life
- I Would Stay
- Protection
- Why Do I
- Thought That You Would Be
- Get It On
- Everything and More
- Happy Now
- I’ll Be Gone
- Let It Go
- Fine
- Fabian, Lara:
Nue- J’y Crois Encore
- Aimer Déjà
- S’en Aller
- Silence
- Parce Que Tu Pars
- Je Suis Mon Cœur
- Tango
- Imagine
- Tu Es Mon Autre (feat. Maurane)
- Rio
- Bambina
- Immortelle
- Le Roi Est Une Femme
- (Untitled)
- Vanessa-Mae:
Original Four Seasons and the Devil’s Trill Sonata, The- Spring: I Allegro
- Spring: II Largo e Pianissimo Sempre
- Spring: III Allegro
- Summer: I Allegro Non Molto
- Summer: II Adagio
- Summer: III Tempo Impetuoso d’Estate
- Autumn: I Allegro
- Autumn: II Adagio
- Autumn: III La Caccia
- Winter: I Allegro Non Molto
- Winter: II Largo
- Winter: III Allegro
- The Devil’s Trill Sonata: I Larghetto, Ma Non Troppo
- The Devil’s Trill Sonata: II Allegro Moderato
- The Devil’s Trill Sonata: III Grave, Allegro Assai, Grave, Allegro Assai, Grave, Allegro Assai, Cadenza, Andante, Largo
- Devil’s Trill (From the Silent Movie “The Violin Fantasy”)
- Reflection (From “Walt Disney’s Mulan”)
- Nightwish:
Over the Hills and Far Away- Over the Hills and Far Away
- 10th Man Down
- Away
- Astral Romance
- The Kinslayer (Live)
- She Is My Sin (Live)
- Sacrament of Wilderness (Live)
- Walking in the Air (Live)
- Wishmaster (Live)
- Deep Silent Complete (Live)
- Enya:
Paint the Sky with Stars: The Best of Enya- Orinoco Flow
- Caribbean Blue
- Book of Days
- Anywhere Is
- Only If…
- The Celts
- China Roses
- Shepherd Moons
- Ebudae
- Storms in Africa
- Watermark
- Paint the Sky with Stars
- Marble Halls
- On My Way Home
- The Memory of Trees
- Boadicea
- Beethoven, Ludwig Van:
Passion Classique- Symphonie N°5 en Do mineur opus 67: Allegro con brio
- Symphonie N°5 en Do mineur opus 67: Andante con brio
- Symphonie N°5 en Do mineur opus 67: Allegro I
- Symphonie N°5 en Do mineur opus 67: Allegro II
- Sonate pour piano & violoncelle N°2 en Sol mineur opus 52: Adagio sostenato espressivo
- Sonate pour piano & violoncelle N°2 en Sol mineur opus 52: Rondo, Allegro
- Sonate pour piano & violoncelle N°5 en Re Majeur opus 102/2: Allegro con brio
- Sonate pour piano & violoncelle N°5 en Re Majeur opus 102/2: Adagio con molto sentimento d’affetto
- Sonate pour piano & violoncelle N°5 en Re Majeur opus 102/2: Allegro fugato
- Compilation:
Passion Classique- South German Philharmonic Orchestra, Beethoven, Ludwig Van – Symphonie N°6 en Fa Majeur opus 68 “Pastorale”: Allego ma non troppo
- South German Philharmonic Orchestra, Beethoven, Ludwig Van – Symphonie N°6 en Fa Majeur opus 68 “Pastorale”: Andante molto mosso
- South German Philharmonic Orchestra, Beethoven, Ludwig Van – Symphonie N°6 en Fa Majeur opus 68 “Pastorale”: Allegro I
- South German Philharmonic Orchestra, Beethoven, Ludwig Van – Symphonie N°6 en Fa Majeur opus 68 “Pastorale”: Allegro II
- South German Philharmonic Orchestra, Beethoven, Ludwig Van – Symphonie N°6 en Fa Majeur opus 68 “Pastorale”: Final
- Tomsic, Dubravka, Beethoven, Ludwig Van – Sonate pour piano N°14 en Do Dièse mineur opus 27/2 “Clair de Lune”: Adagio sostenuto
- Tomsic, Dubravka, Beethoven, Ludwig Van – Sonate pour piano N°14 en Do Dièse mineur opus 27/2 “Clair de Lune”: Allegretto
- Tomsic, Dubravka, Beethoven, Ludwig Van – Sonate pour piano N°14 en Do Dièse mineur opus 27/2 “Clair de Lune”: Presto, Agitato
- Philharmonic Slavonika Orchestra, The, Beethoven, Ludwig Van – Ode a la joie (Extrait de la Symphonie n° 9 en Ré mineur opus 125)
- Beethoven, Ludwig Van:
Passion Classique- Sonate pour piano N°23 en Fa mineur opus 57 “Appasionata”: Allegro assai
- Sonate pour piano N°23 en Fa mineur opus 57 “Appasionata”: Andante con moto
- Sonate pour piano N°23 en Fa mineur opus 57 “Appasionata”: Allegro ma non troppo
- Sonate pour piano N°8 en Do mineur opus 13 “Pethétique”: Grave allegro di molto e con brio
- Sonate pour piano N°8 en Do mineur opus 13 “Pethétique”: Adagio Cantabile
- Sonate pour piano N°8 en Do mineur opus 13 “Pethétique”: Rondo-Allegro
- Sonate pour piano N°26 en Mi bémol Majeur opus 81a “Les Adieux”: Allegro
- Sonate pour piano N°26 en Mi bémol Majeur opus 81a “Les Adieux”: Andante espressivo
- Sonate pour piano N°26 en Mi bémol Majeur opus 81a “Les Adieux”: Vivace
- Romance pour violon & orchestre en Fa Majeur opus 50
- Darkness:
Permission to Land- Black Shuck
- Get Your Hands Off My Woman
- Growing on Me
- I Believe in a Thing Called Love
- Love Is Only a Feeling
- Givin’ Up
- Stuck in a Rut
- Friday Night
- Love on the Rocks with No Ice
- Holding My Own
- Webber, Andrew Lloyd:
Phantom der Oper, Das- Ouvertüre
- Denk an mich
- Engel der Muse
- Der Spiegel (Engel der Muse)
- Das Phantom der Oper
- Die Musik der Nacht
- Die Erinnerung kommt zurück (Bonustrack)
- Primadonna
- Warum so weit hinauf (Bonustrack)
- Mehr will ich nicht von dir
- Mehr will ich nicht von dir (Reprise)
- Maskenball
- Könntest du doch wieder bei mir sein
- Nun gibt es kein Zurück
- Spürt diesen Mörder auf
- Dein Weg ist einsam
- Learn to Be Lonely
- Webber, Andrew Lloyd:
Phantom der Oper, Das: Die Höhepunkte der Hamburger Aufführung- Ouvertüre
- Hannibal
- Denk an mich
- Engel der Muse
- Das Phantom der Oper
- Die Musik der Nacht
- Briefe vom Phantom, Primadonna
- Ballett aus “Il Muto”
- Mehr will ich nicht von dir
- Maskenball
- Könntest du doch wieder bei mir sein
- Von nun an gibt es kein Zurück
- Das unterirdische Labyrinth
- Compilation:
Piamids- Wainwright, Rufus – Cigarettes & Chocolate Milk
- Wainwright, Rufus – Greek Song
- Wainwright, Rufus – Poses
- Wainwright, Rufus – Shadows
- Wainwright, Rufus – California
- Wainwright, Rufus – The Tower of Learning
- Wainwright, Rufus – Grey Gardens
- Wainwright, Rufus – Rebel Prince
- Wainwright, Rufus – The Consort
- Wainwright, Rufus – One Man Guy
- Wainwright, Rufus – Evil Angel
- Wainwright, Rufus – In a Graveyard
- Wainwright, Rufus – Halleluja
- Black, Gus – City Life
- Black, Gus – Violent Rain
- Black, Gus – Paranoid
- Vera – The Ground Beneath Her Feet
- Badelt, Klaus:
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl- Fog Bound
- The Medallion Calls
- The Black Pearl
- Will and Elizabeth
- Swords Crossed
- Walk the Plank
- Barbossa Is Hungry
- Blood Ritual
- Moonlight Serenade
- To the Pirates’ Cave!
- Skull and Crossbones
- Bootstrap’s Bootstraps
- Underwater March
- One Last Shot
- He’s a Pirate
- Ärzte, Die:
Planet Punk- Super Drei
- Schunder-Song
- Hurra
- Geh mit mir
- Langweilig
- Mein Freund Michael
- Rod Loves You
- Der Misanthrop
- Vermissen, Baby
- Nazareth
- Meine Ex(plodierte Freundin)
- Die Banane
- B.S.L.
- Die traurige Ballade von Susi Spakowski
- Red mit mir
- Trick 17 m. S.
- Opfer
- Loeffler, John:
Pokémon 1: The First Movie (Score)- The Birth of Mewtwo
- Dragonite Takes Flight
- Invitation to Danger
- Surviving the Storm
- Mewtwo’s Island
- Pokémon vs. Clone
- Tears of Life
- This Is My World Now
- Three on Three
- Mew’s Theme
- Freeing Charizard
- Adventure in Paradise
- All Good Things Must Ends
- Pokémon Theme
- Loeffler, John:
Pokémon 2: The Power of One- Gestörte Harmonie (Harmony Disturbed)
- Das Meeresmonster (The Beast of the Sea Stirs)
- Zur Rettung (To the Rescue)
- Der Ausbruch (Breakout Mayhem)
- Wenn Sie doch helfen könnten (If Only They Could Help)
- Die Welt wendet sich an Ash (The World Turns to Ash)
- Zur dritten Kristallkugel (To the Third Treasure)
- Rückkehr zum Heiligtum (Return to the Shrine)
- Das Lied des Wächters (The Guardian’s Song)
- Auf Wiedersehen Lugia (Goodbye Lugia)
- Das Abenteuer beginnt (The Adventure Begins)
- Stürmisch (Windy)
- Teamwork
- Pokémon Welt (Pokémon World)
- Loeffler, John:
Pokémon TV-Soundtrack- Pokémon Thema
- Wie wird man Meister?
- Vertania City
- Was für ein Pokémon bist Du?
- Meine besten Freunde
- Alles wird sich ändern
- Es ist so weit
- Pokémon (Dance Mix)
- Gleich gibt es Ärger (Team Rocket)
- Wir bleiben zusammen
- In der Dunkelheit der Nacht
- PokéRAP
- Du kannst es schaffen
- Burgh, Chris De:
Power of Ten- Where We Will Be Going
- By My Side
- Heart of Darkness
- In Your Eyes
- Separate Tables
- Talk to Me
- The Connemara Coast
- Brother John
- Shine On
- A Celebration
- She Means Everything to Me
- Making the Perfect Man
- NoFX:
Pump Up the Valuum- And Now for Something Completely Similar
- Take Two Placebos and Call Me Lame
- What’s the Matter with Parents Today?
- Dinosaurs Will Die
- Thank God It’s Monday
- Clams Have Feelings Too (Actually They Don’t)
- Louise
- Stranger Than Fishin
- Pharmacist’s Daughter
- Bottles to the Ground
- Total Bummer
- My Vagina
- Herojuana
- Theme from a NoFX Album
- Tocotronic:
Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen- Aber hier leben, nein danke
- In höchsten Höhen
- Der achte Ozean
- Keine Angst für Niemand
- Gegen den Strich
- Angel
- Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen
- Cheers for Fears
- Alles in Allem
- Mein Prinz
- Tag der Toten
- In tiefsten Tiefen
- Ich habe Stimmen gehört
- Alan Parsons Project, The:
Pyramid- Voyager
- What Goes Up…
- The Eagle Will Rise Again
- One More River
- Can’t Take It with You
- In the Lap of the Gods
- Pyromania
- Hyper-Gamma-Spaces
- Shadow of a Lonely Man
- Compilation:
Queen of the Damned- Static-X – Not Meant for Me
- Disturbed – Forsaken
- Linkin Park – System
- Deftones – Change
- Manson, Marilyn – Redeemer
- Papa Roach – Dead Cell
- Godhead – Penetrate
- Orgy – Slept So Long
- Disturbed – Down with the Sickness
- Static-X – Cold
- Earshot – Headstrong
- Dry Cell – Body Cumbles
- Tricky – Excess
- Kidney Thieves – Before I’m Dead
- SoundTeMP:
Ragnarok Online BGM- Title
- Gambler of Highway
- Peaceful Forest
- I Miss You
- Tread on the Ground
- Risk Your Life
- Wind of Tragedy
- Theme of Prontera
- Great Honor
- Divine Grace
- Theme of Morroc
- Streamside
- Theme of Geffen
- Theme of Payon
- Theme of Alberta
- Labyrinth
- Tresure Hunter
- Time Up!!
- Under the Ground
- Ancient Groover
- Through the Tower
- Backattack!!
- Travel
- Desert
- Plateau
- Everlasting Wanderers
- Dreamer’s Dream
- You’re in Ruins
- Be Nice ‘n Easy
- One Step Closer
- Brassy Road
- Yuna Song
- Pampas Upas
- TeMPoison
- Nano East
- TeMPorsche
- Hamatan
- Theme of Al de Baran
- Fear…
- Rag All Night Long
- Curse’n Pain
- Morning Gloomy
- TeMP It Up
- Don’t Piss Me Off
- Ant-Lion’s Pit
- Welcome Mr. Hwang
- Help Yourself
- Watery Grave
- Out of Curiosity
- Believe in Myself
- Ready~
- White Christmas
- Come on My Deer!!
- Welcome, My Lord
- Silver Bell
- Don’t Cry, Baby
- Jingle Bell on Ragnarok
- Theme of Lutie: Snow in My Heart
- Aeon
- Zingaro
- High Roller Coaster
- Mucho Gusto
- One Fine Day
- Into the Abyss
- Wanna Be Free!!
- TeMPotato
- Jazzy Funky Sweety
- Retro Metro
- Theme of Juno
- Higher Than the Sun
- Not So Far Away
- Come, and Get It!
- Purity of Your Smile
- Can’t Go Home Again, Baby
- Adios
- The Great
- Jumping Dragon
- Thai Orchid
- Muay Thai King
- Sleepless
- Christmas in the 13th Month
- Dancing Christmas in the 13th Month
- Steel Me
- Ethnica
- Come in Peace
- We Have Lee But You Don’t Have
- Noblesse Oblige
- Cheong Choon
- Naive Rave
- 山崎麻衣美:
Ragnarök the Animation Sound Track & Character Songs- Theme of Ragnarök the Animation
- We are the Stars (Tv Size)
- 物語の始まり
- のんきな一同
- カプラ教育講座
- 悪しき胎動
- 寂しき街
- 不穏な波動
- マーヤの子守唄
- まーちゃんねる♪
- ショック!
- 堕ちた英雄
- 予期せぬ出来事
- 影迫る
- 戦闘開始
- 向かうところ敵ナシ!
- 戦いのあと
- 澱んだ気配
- 認めたくない
- We are the Stars (BGM Arrange)
- おてんば
- ギコチナイ関係
- ちょっとだけね!
- Endless Sorrow
- 異国の地
- 大儲け!
- 踊れ踊れ!
- 彷徨える魂
- 忍びよる異変
- 次はどっちだ?!
- 戸惑いながら
- はるかなる想い
- With~ちいさなチカラ~
- 哀愁の抱擁
- 危機一髪!
- 事件発生!
- 恐怖
- 悪魔の城
- 倒すべき壁
- Welcome Back!
- 勇者誕生
- 神々の黄昏
- Alive (Tv Size)
- Rancid:
Rancid (2000)- Don Giovanni
- Disgruntled
- It’s Quite Alright
- Let Me Go
- I Am Forever
- Poison
- Loki
- Blackhawk Down
- Rwanda
- Corruption
- Antennas
- Rattlesnake
- Not to Regret
- Radio Havanna
- Axiom
- Black Derby
- Meteor of War
- Dead Bodies
- Rigged on a Fix
- Young Al Capone
- Reconciliation
- Spillsbury:
Raus- Zwei Sekunden
- Raus!
- Das Spiel ist aus
- Kurz vor vier
- Jona
- Die Wahrheit
- Bahnsteig
- Freier Fall
- Schlagziele
- Ruhestörung
- Dritter
- Augen
- Was wir machen
- HIM:
Razorblade Romance- I Love You (Prelude to Tragedy)
- Poison Girl
- Join Me in Death
- Right Here in My Arms
- Gone with the Sin
- Razorblade Kiss
- Bury Me Deep Inside Your Heart
- Heaven Tonight
- Death Is in Love with Us
- Resurrection
- One Last Time
- Linkin Park:
Reanimation- Opening
- Pts.of.Athrty
- Enth E Nd
- [Chali]
- Frgt/10
- P5hng Me A*wy
- Plc.4 Mie HÆd
- X-Ecutioner Style
- H! Vltg3
- [Riff Raff]
- Wth>You
- Ntr\Mission
- Ppr:Kut
- Rnw@y
- My
- [Stef]
- By_Myslf
- Kyur4 Th Ich
- 1Stp Klosr
- Krwlng
- Winwood, Steve:
Refugees of the Heart- You’ll Keep on Searching
- Every Day (Oh Lord)
- One and Only Man
- I Will Be Here
- Another Deal Goes Down
- Running On
- Come Out and Dance
- In the Light of Day
- Wir sind Helden:
Reklamation+, Die- Ist das so?
- Rüssel an Schwanz
- Guten Tag
- Denkmal
- Du erkennst mich nich wieder
- Die Zeit heilt alle Wunden
- Monster
- Heldenzeit
- Aurelie
- Müssen nur Wollen
- Ausser dir
- Die Nacht
- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus:
Requiem in D moll KV 626, Berliner Philharmoniker- I Requiem
- II Kyrie
- III Sequenz, No. 1 Dies irae
- III Sequenz, No. 2 Tuba mirum
- III Sequenz, No. 3 Rex tremendae
- III Sequenz, No. 4 Recordare
- III Sequenz, No. 5 Confutatis
- III Sequenz, No. 6 Lacrimosa
- IV Offertorium, No. 1 Domine Jesu
- IV Offertorium, No. 2 Hostias
- V Sanctus
- VI Benedictus
- VII Agnus Dei
- VIII Communio, Lux aeterna
- Rea, Chris:
Road to Hell, The- The Road to Hell (Part I)
- The Road to Hell (Part II)
- You Must Be Evil
- Texas
- Looking for a Rainbow
- Your Warm and Tender Love
- Daytona
- That’s What They Always Say
- I Just Wanna Be With You
- Tell Me There’s a Heaven
- Casanovas Schwule Seite:
Roch’n’Roll Imperium schlägt zurück, Das- Radiomoderator…
- …halt die Fresse
- Höllenfeuerlicht
- Ich liebe Dich für immer
- Expo 2000
- Rock’n’Roll Bausparvertrag
- Der Kinn-Nasen-Professor
- Wenn Du willst
- 1980
- Gestern Nacht
- Gewalt ist eine Lösung
- Stlle Post
- Ich will Dich ficken
- Du & ich
- Mein Kühlschrank
- Was Du sagst ist was Du wählst
- In Grafenwöhr
- No Doubt:
Rock Steady- Intro
- Hella Good
- Hey Baby
- Making Out
- Underneath It All
- Detective
- Don’t Let Me Down
- Start the Fire
- Running
- In My Head
- Platinum Blonde Life
- Waiting Room
- Rock Steady
- Ärzte, Die:
Rock’n’Roll Realschule (Unplugged)- Schrei nach Liebe
- Ich ess Blumen
- Langweilig
- Meine Ex(plodierte Freundin)
- Monsterparty
- Hurra
- Kopfhaut
- Zu spät
- Westerland
- 1/2 Lovesong
- Komm zurück
- Der Graf
- Ignorama
- Is ja Irre
- Bitte bitte
- Mit dem Schwert nach Polen, warum René?
- Die Banane
- Manchmal haben Frauen…
- Medley
- Compilation:
Rocky Horror Picture Show, The- O’Brien, Richard – Science Fiction, Double Feature
- Bostwick, Barry, Sarandon, Susan – Dammit Jane
- O’Brien, Richard, Bostwick, Barry, Sarandon, Susan – Over at the Frankenstein Place
- O’Brien, Richard, Quinn, Patricia, Nell, Little – The Time Warp
- Curry, Tim – Sweet Transvestite
- Curry, Tim – I Can Make You a Man
- Loaf, Meat – Hot Patootie, Bless My Soul
- Curry, Tim – I Can Make You a Man (Reprise)
- Sarandon, Susan – Touch-A, Touch-A, Touch Me
- Adams, Jonathon – Eddie
- Hinwood, Peter, Bostwick, Barry, Nell, Little, Sarandon, Susan – Rose Tint My World
- Curry, Tim – I’m Going Home
- Bostwick, Barry, Sarandon, Susan, Gray, Charles – Super Heroes
- O’Brien, Richard – Science Fiction, Double Featureb (Reprise)
- Rammstein:
Sehnsucht- Sehnsucht
- Engel
- Tier
- Bestrafe mich
- Du hast
- Bück Dich
- Spiel mit mir
- Klavier
- Alter Mann
- Eifersucht
- Küss mich (Fellfrosch)
- Within Temptation:
Silent Force, The (Limited Premium Version)- Intro
- See Who I Am
- Jillian (I’d Gice My Heart)
- Stand My Ground
- Pale
- Forsaken
- Angels
- Memories
- Aquarius
- It’s the Fear
- Somewhere
- A Dangerous Mind
- The Swan Song (Album Version)
- Multi-Media Part
- Compilation:
Sommersturm- Nada Surf – Blonde on Blonde
- Radio 4 – Shake the Foundation
- Rosenstolz – Willkommen
- Reiser, Niki – Los, wixen
- Reiser, Niki – Auf ins Bergische
- Fischer, Roman – We’ll Never Know
- Reiser, Niki – Maltes Kuss
- VAST – Flames
- Reiser, Niki – Verwirrt
- Reiser, Niki – Achim
- Fischer, Roman – Getaway
- Reiser, Niki – Jim’s Theme
- Reiser, Niki – Coming Out
- Kerosin – Catch Me
- Hidden Cameras – We Oh We
- Go-Betweens – Crooked Lines
- Doherty, Wolfman, Doherty, Pete – For Lovers
- Frankie Goes to Hollywood – The Power of Love
- Reiser, Niki – Sommersturm
- Nova International – The Summer We Had
- Goldsmith, Jerry:
Star Trek First Contact: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack- Main Title/Locutus
- Red Alert
- Temporal Wake
- Welcome Aboard
- Fully Functional
- Retreat
- Evacuate
- 39.1 Degrees Celsius
- The Dish
- First Contact
- End Credits
- Magic Carpet Ride
- Ooby Dooby
- Twarres:
Stream- Standing Still
- Your Decicions
- Do
- This Is How It Is
- Mr. Man
- She Couldn’t Laugh
- We’re Alone
- Why
- Wêr Bisto
- Children
- Stream
- Compilation:
Super Metroid: Sound in Action- Yamamoto, Kenshi – Super Metroid: Theme of Super Metroid (Orchestrated)
- Yamamoto, Kenshi – Super Metroid: Crateria, Space Pirates Appear (Orchestrated)
- Yamamoto, Kenshi – Super Metroid: Samus Aran, Galactic Warrior (Orchestrated)
- Hamano, Minako – Super Metroid: Super Metroid Ending (Arranged)
- Tanaka, Hiroo – Metroid: Ending (Arranged)
- Tanaka, Hiroo – Metroid: Title
- Tanaka, Hiroo – Metroid: Appearance Fanfare, Brinstar
- Tanaka, Hiroo – Metroid: Norfair Area
- Tanaka, Hiroo – Metroid: Ridley’s Chamber
- Tanaka, Hiroo – Metroid: Kraid’s Chamber
- Tanaka, Hiroo – Metroid: Tourian
- Tanaka, Hiroo – Metroid: Zebetite
- Tanaka, Hiroo – Metroid: Escape
- Tanaka, Hiroo – Metroid: Ending
- Hamano, Minako – Super Metroid: Opening (Destruction of the Space Colony)
- Yamamoto, Kenshi – Super Metroid: Theme of Super Metroid
- Yamamoto, Kenshi – Super Metroid: Planet Zebes, Arrival on Crateria
- Yamamoto, Kenshi – Super Metroid: Crateria, The Space Pirates Appear
- Yamamoto, Kenshi – Super Metroid: Overgrown with Vegetation (Brinstar Area)
- Yamamoto, Kenshi – Super Metroid: Red Soil Swampy (Brinstar Area)
- Yamamoto, Kenshi – Super Metroid: Hot Lava (Norfair Area)
- Yamamoto, Kenshi – Super Metroid: Theme of Samus Aran, Galactic Warrior
- Hamano, Minako – Super Metroid: Wrecked Ship
- Hamano, Minako – Super Metroid: Rocky Underwater (Maridia Area)
- Hamano, Minako – Super Metroid: Drifting Sand (Maridia Underwater Area)
- Yamamoto, Kenshi – Super Metroid: Ancient Ruins (Norfair Area)
- Hamano, Minako – Super Metroid: Boss Confrontation (Spore Spawn Botwoon)
- Hamano, Minako – Super Metroid: Boss Confrontation BGM (Ridley, Draygon)
- Hamano, Minako – Super Metroid: Boss Confrontation (Kraid, Crocomire, Phantoon)
- Yamamoto, Kenshi – Super Metroid: Samus Aran’s Appearance Fanfare
- Yamamoto, Kenshi – Super Metroid: Item Acquisition Fanfare
- Yamamoto, Kenshi – Super Metroid: Samus Aran’s Final Cry
- Yamamoto, Kenshi – Super Metroid: Mysterious Statue Chamber
- Hamano, Minako – Super Metroid: Tourian
- Hamano, Minako – Super Metroid: Mother Brain
- Hamano, Minako – Super Metroid: Escape
- Yamamoto, Kenshi – Super Metroid: Planet Zebes Explodes
- Hamano, Minako – Super Metroid: Ending
- Clayderman, Richard:
Sweet Memories- Love Me Tender
- Cavatina
- When A Man Loves A Woman
- Hello
- Up Where We Belong
- I Have a Dream
- My Way
- Feelings
- Lara’s Theme (From Dr. Zhivago)
- Greensleeves
- Strangers in the Night
- Plaisir d’amour
- Michelle
- Nostalgy
- Dolannes Melodie
- Blue Eyes
- Vienna Symphonic Orchestra Project:
Symphonic Rock- Bohemian Rapsodiy, We Are the Champions, Radio Ga Ga
- Dreamer
- Hard to Say I’m Sorry
- Satisfaction
- All You Need Is Love
- Stairway to Heaven
- Space Oddity
- System of a Down:
System of a Down- Suite-Pee
- Know
- Sugar
- Suggestions
- Spiders
- DDevil
- Soil
- War?
- Mind
- Peephole
- CUBErt
- Darts
- P.L.U.C.K.
- Maffay, Peter:
Tabaluga und Lilli- Ouvertüre
- Solang dein Feuer brennt (Drachenlied)
- Der Strom der Zeit
- Wir sind froh, daß es uns gibt (Der Bienensong)
- Faß das nicht an
- Eis im September
- Das Leben ist ein Würfelspiel
- Ich fühl wie Du
- Der Schlüssel zur Macht
- Wenn eine Hoffnung stirbt
- Finale
- Alan Parsons Project, The:
Tales of Mystery and Imagination: Edgar Allan Poe- A Dream within a Dream (Instrumental)
- The Raven
- The Tell-Tale Heart
- The Cask of Amontillado
- (The System of) Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether
- The Fall of the House of Usher: I Prelude
- The Fall of the House of Usher: II Arrival
- The Fall of the House of Usher: III Intermezzo
- The Fall of the House of Usher: IV Pavane
- The Fall of the House of Usher: V Fall
- To One in Paradise
- E Nomine:
Testament, Das- Am Anfang war… die Schöpfung
- Vater unser
- Das Geständnis (Interlude)
- E Nomine (Denn sie wissen nicht was sie tun)
- Die Stimme des Herrn (Interlude)
- Die 10 Gebote
- Der Verrat (Interlude)
- Das Abendmahl
- Vergeltung (Interlude)
- Die Sintflut
- Die Entscheidung (Interlude)
- Himmel & Hölle
- Garten Eden (Interlude)
- Der Fürst der Finsternis
- Die Mahnung (Interlude)
- Bibelworte das Allmächtigen
- Rückkehr aus Ägypten (Interlude)
- Die Posaunen von Jericho
- Empfängnis (Interlude)
- Ava Maria
- Der Herr ist mein Hirte (Interlude)
- Psalm 23
- Die Vorsehung
- Der Befehl des König Herodes
- Himmelfahrt (Interlude)
- Per L’Eternita
- Lord’s Prayer (Englische Version von ”Vater Unser”)
- Bad Religion:
Tested- Operation Rescue
- Punk Rock Song
- Tomorrow
- A Walk
- God Song
- Pity the Dead
- One Thousand More Fools
- Drunk Sincerity
- Generator
- Change of Ideas
- Portrait of Authority
- What It Is
- Dream of Unity
- Sanity
- American Jesus
- Do What You Want
- Part III
- 10 in 2010
- No Direction
- Along the Way
- Recipe For Hate
- Fuck Armageddon
- It’s Reciprocal
- Struck a Nerve
- Leave Mine to Me
- Tested
- No Control
- Anouk:
Together Alone- Nobody’s Wife
- Together Alone
- It’s So Hard
- The Other Side of Me
- Pictures on Your Skin
- Sacrifice
- Fluid Conduction
- My Life
- It’s a Shame
- Time Is a Jailer
- Mood Indigo
- Alan Parsons Project, The:
Turn of a Friendly Card, The- May Be a Price to Pay
- Games People Play
- Time
- I Don’t Wanna Dance
- The Gold Bug
- The Turn of a Friendly Card: The Turn of a Friendly Card (Part One), Snake Eyes, The Ace of Swords, Nothing Left to Lose, The Turn of a Friendly Card (Part Two)
- Interpol:
Turn on the Bright Lights- Untitled
- Obstacle 1
- Say Hello to the Angels, Say Hello To The Angels
- Hands Away
- Obstacle 2
- Stella Was a Driver and She Was Always Down, Stella Was A Diver And She Was Always Down
- Roland
- The New
- Leif Erikson
- Cocker, Joe:
Ultimate Collection, The: 1968-2003- Unchain My Heart
- Feelin’ Alright
- Summer in the City
- You Can Leave Your Hat On
- Up Where We Belong (feat. Jennifer Warnes)
- You Are So Beautiful
- With a Little Help from My Friends
- Cry Me a River (Live)
- The Letter (Live)
- Delta Lady
- Many Rivers to Cross
- When the Night Comes
- Night Calls
- Don’t You Love Me Anymore
- She Came in through the Bathroom Window
- Cocker, Joe:
Ultimate Collection, The: 1968-2003- Could You Be Loved
- Civilized Man
- First We Take Manhattan
- The Simple Things
- N’oubliez Jamais
- Thats All I Need to Know Difendero (Live, feat. Eros Ramazzotti)
- Have a Little Faith in Me
- Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me
- Now That the Magic Has Gone
- Sweet Lil’ Woman
- (All I Know) Feels Like Forever
- My Father’s Son
- Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word
- Never Tear Us Apart
- Ruby Lee
- Anouk:
Urban Solitude- In the Sand
- Don’t
- R U Kiddin’ Me
- Tom Waits
- Urban Solitude
- U Being U
- Michel
- The Dark
- My Best Wasn’t Good Enough
- It Wasn’t Me
- Cry
- Body Brain
- My Friend
- In Extremo:
Verehrt und Angespien- Merseburger Zaubersprüche
- Ich kenne alles
- Herr Mannelig
- Pavane
- Spielmannsfluch
- Weiberfell
- Miss Gordon of Gight
- Werd ich am Galgen hochgezogen
- This Corrosion
- Santa Maria
- Vänner Och Frände
- In Extremo
- Herr Mannelig (Acoustic Version)
- Suihou, Tousha:
Vier Jahreszeiten in Kyoto, Die- Frühling: Miyama no Sato
- Frühling: Daihisan
- Frühling: Daigoji
- Frühling: Rakka no Mai
- Frühling: Hana no Tera
- Sommer: Myoushinji Gyokuhouin
- Sakuraba, Motoi, Gotanda, Yoshiharu, Satoh, Kazushi:
スターオーシャン パーフェクト・サウンドコレクション- ニュー・ジェネレーション (オープニング・テーマ)
- ポエム (タウンズ・テーマ)
- ワールズ (フィールズ・テーマ)
- スルー・ザ・ミルズ (バトルズ・テーマ)
- デス・トラップ (ダンジョン・テーマ)
- キングダム (キャッスルズ・テーマ)
- アズ・タイム・ゴーズ・バイ (イヴェンツ・テーマ)
- マザー・オーシャン (エンディング・テーマ)
- Tanioka, Kumi:
ファイナルファンタジー クリスタルクロニクル オリジナルサウンドトラック- 記憶のこだま
- カゼノネ
- やすらぎ
- 今日が来て、明日になって
- はじまりの村
- キャラバン・クロスロード
- 旅立ち
- 川面にうつる雲
- 夢路の夕暮れ
- 鎚音ひびく峠にて
- 憂いの闇の中で
- にぎわいと伝統と
- おののけ、もののけ
- 三人いれば…?
- 誓いは永遠に
- 閉じられた物語
- マギーがすべて
- アミダッティも、エレオノールも
- 約束のうるおい
- そよかぜ吹けば
- 風のこえ、時のうた
- 魔物の砦
- 覚悟を決めろ
- 怪物の輪舞ロンド
- 命の水
- ぼくモーグリ
- なつかしい横顔
- 年に一度のお祭り
- Tanioka, Kumi:
ファイナルファンタジー クリスタルクロニクル オリジナルサウンドトラック- はてしなき空
- ただ突き進むのみ
- ぼくのおうち
- 大海原をながめて
- 心の奥に燃ゆるもの
- 「自由」に身をゆだねて
- 砂に眠る秘宝
- 光よ…!
- 新天地を目指して
- 哀しみを強さに
- 笑顔いっぱいの時間
- 北の空が澄んでいたころ
- マグ・メル
- アクロス・ザ・ディバイド
- 心の中に響く音
- 光と影
- 忘れたくない…
- 哀しい怪物
- 融合、降臨
- クリスタルを継ぐ者へ
- どこまでも蒼く
- 星月夜
- 水のオルゴール
- 星月夜(アレンジバージョン)
- 植松伸夫:
ファイナルファンタジー・バトルアレンジ: The Black Mages- Battle Scene (Final Fantasy I)
- Clash on the Big Bridge (Final Fantasy V)
- Force Your Way (Final Fantasy VIII)
- Battle, Scene II (Final Fantasy II)
- The Decisive Battle (Final Fantasy VI)
- Battle Theme (Final Fantasy VI)
- J-E-N-O-V-A (Final Fantasy VII)
- Those Who Fight Further (Final Fantasy VII)
- Dancing Mad (Final Fantasy VI)
- Fight with Seymour (Final Fantasy X)
- 植松伸夫:
ファイナルファンタジー・バトルアレンジ: The Black Mages II: The Skies Above- The Rocking Grounds (Final Fantasy III)
- Zeromus (Final Fantasy IV)
- Vamo’ Alla Flamenco (Final Fantasy IX)
- Hunter’s Chance (Final Fantasy IX)
- Otherworld (Final Fantasy X)
- Matoya’s Cave (Final Fantasy I)
- The Man with the Machine Gun (Final Fantasy VIII)
- Maybe I’m a Lion (Final Fantasy VIII)
- Battle with the Four Fiends (Final Fantasy IV)
- The Skies Above (Final Fantasy X)
- Blue Blast: Winning the Rainbow
- 久石譲:
もののけ姫・イメージアルバム- アシタカセッ記
- タタリ神
- 失われた民
- もののけ姫
- ヤックル
- シシ神の森
- エボシ御前
- コダマ達
- 犬神モロの公
- アシタカとサン
- 久石譲:
もののけ姫・サウンドトラック- アシタカセッ記
- タタリ神
- 旅立ち, 西へ
- 呪われた力
- 穢土
- 出会い
- コダマ達
- 神の森
- 夕暮れのタタラ場
- タタリ神2, うばわれた山
- エボシ御前
- タタラ踏む女達, エボシ・タタラうた
- 修羅
- 東から来た少年
- レクイエム
- 生きろ
- シシ神の森の二人
- もののけ姫(インストゥルメンタル・ヴァージョン)
- レクイエム2
- もののけ姫(ヴォーカル)
- 戦いの太鼓
- タタラ場前の闘い
- 呪われた力2
- レクイエム3
- 敗走
- タタリ神3
- 死と生のアダージョ
- 黄泉の世界
- 黄泉の世界2
- 死と生のアダージョ2
- アシタカとサン
- もののけ姫(ヴォーカル・エンディング)
- アシタカセッ記(エンディング)
- Compilation:
るろうに剣心―明治剣客浪漫譚―ベスト・テーマ・コレクション- Judy and Mary – そばかす
- Yellow Monkey, The – Tactics
- 浅倉大介 – 涙は知っている
- T. M. Revolution – Heart of Sword ~夜明け前~
- 浅倉大介 – 1/2
- Bonnie Pink – It’s Gonna Rain!
- Siam Shade – 1/3の純情な感情
- 浅倉大介 – 永遠の未来
- 浅倉大介 – 宿敵見参!
- 浅倉大介 – The 十本刀
- Compilation:
ワンピースキャラクターソングアルバム- Folder 5 – Believe (Tv Size)
- 大谷育江 – ダキシメテ
- 渡辺美佐 – アラバスタの砂、オアシスの滴
- 矢尾一樹 – Oh Come My Way
- 田中真弓 – We Are Here!
- 大谷育江 – Rumble Ball~チョッパー七段変形~
- 中井和哉 – 世界一の男と呼ばれるために
- 平田広明 – Girlsに首ったけ
- 田中真弓 – Family
- Ai-Sachi – Before Dawn (Tv Size)
- Compilation:
今日からマ王 サントラ- Stand Up, The – 果てしなく遠い空に
- Youichirou, Yoshikawa – 青春〜有利のテーマ〜
- Youichirou, Yoshikawa – 過去(The Goldberg Variations BWV988より)
- Youichirou, Yoshikawa – 優美〜ギュンターのテーマ〜
- Youichirou, Yoshikawa – 戦闘
- Youichirou, Yoshikawa – 厳峻〜グウェンダルのテーマ〜(Preludes Op.32 No.8 in A minorより)
- Youichirou, Yoshikawa – 回想
- Youichirou, Yoshikawa – 歓迎(The Music for the Royal Fireworksより)
- Youichirou, Yoshikawa – 清爽〜コンラッドのテーマ〜
- Youichirou, Yoshikawa – 作戦
- Youichirou, Yoshikawa – 妖艶〜ツェリのテーマ〜
- Youichirou, Yoshikawa – 果てしなく遠い空に(インストゥルメンタル)
- Youichirou, Yoshikawa – 悲壮
- Youichirou, Yoshikawa – 軽快〜ヴォルフラムのテーマ〜
- Youichirou, Yoshikawa – 緊迫
- Youichirou, Yoshikawa – 追憶
- Youichirou, Yoshikawa – 波動
- Youichirou, Yoshikawa – 降臨
- Youichirou, Yoshikawa – 正義
- Youichirou, Yoshikawa – 陽気
- Stand Up, The – ステキな幸せ
- 久石譲, う~み:
千と千尋の神隠し・イメージアルバム- あの日の川へ
- 夜が来る
- 神々さま
- 油屋
- 不思議の国の住人
- さみしい・さみしい
- ソリチュード
- 海
- 白い竜
- 千尋のワルツ
- 久石譲:
千と千尋の神隠し・サウンドトラック- あの夏へ
- とおり道
- 誰もいない料理店
- 夜来る
- 竜の少年
- ボイラー虫
- 神さま達
- 湯婆婆
- 湯屋の朝
- あの日の川
- 仕事はつらいぜ
- おクサレ神
- 千の勇気
- 底なし穴
- カオナシ
- 6番目の駅
- 湯婆婆狂乱
- 沼の底の家
- ふたたび
- 帰る日
- いつも何度でも
- 周杰伦:
叶慧美 – 周杰伦 Vol:: Jay- 以父之名
- 懦夫
- 晴天
- 三年二班
- 东风坡
- 你听得到
- 同一种调调
- 她的睫毛
- 爱情悬崖
- 梯田
- 双刀
- 你怎么连话都说不清楚
- 算命
- 布拉格广场
- 一起去Happy
- 传说中的影子
- 拖累
- 久石譲:
天空の城ラピュタ・サウンドトラック・飛行石の謎- 空から降ってきた少女
- スラッグ溪谷の朝
- 愉快なケンカ(~追跡)
- ゴンドアの思い出
- 失意のパズー
- ロボット兵(復活~救出)
- 合唱 君をのせて
- シータの決意
- タイガーモス号にて
- 破滅への予兆
- 月光の雲海
- 天空の城ラピュタ
- ラピュタの崩壊
- 君をのせて(井上杏美)
- Compilation:
異次元の世界エルハザード音楽篇- 長岡成貢 – 異次元の世界エルハザード(Special Track)
- 長岡成貢 – ギルダの悩み
- Fence of Defence – 13月の革命(Tv Opening Edit Version)
- 長岡成貢 – クレタリア地下反応炉
- 長岡成貢 – ギルダの叛乱
- 長岡成貢 – 空中農場
- 長岡成貢 – クァウールの秘密
- 長岡成貢 – クレタリアの崩壊
- 坂本真綾, 夏樹リオ, 柊美冬, 小桜エツ子 – ラブ・マニア
- 泉川そら – 神様がくれた日
- 長岡成貢 – 女難のテーマ〜アレーレ
- 長岡成貢 – 奇妙なネコ〜ウーラ
- 長岡成貢 – 炎のアクション〜シェーラ
- 長岡成貢 – 神秘のパワー〜イフリータ
- 菊田裕樹:
聖剣伝説2オリジナル・サウンド・ヴァージョン- 天使の怖れ
- 不思議なお話しを
- 薔薇と精霊
- いつもいっしょ
- やさしい思い出
- 少年は荒野をめざす
- 夏の空色
- 踊るけものたち
- 遠雷
- 妖精族のこども
- 月夜の出来事
- 闇の奥
- 聖なる侵入
- 熱砂の秘密
- 森が教えてくれたこと
- ねがい
- 夜の魂
- 君は海を見たか
- 危機
- 嵐の孤児
- 風の焉わるところ
- 未知への飛行
- 永劫回帰
- 伝説
- 八点鐘
- 奇妙な事件
- 海辺の王様
- 暗黒星
- 予感
- 鋼鉄と罠
- 祈りと囁き
- 儀式
- 明日に届く
- 愛に時間を
- 浄夜
- たたり
- 呪術師
- ある結末
- 君を忘れない
- そのひとつは希望
- 子午線の祀り
- 翼はもうはばたかない
- 最後から二番目の真実
- ひとみを閉じて
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