3rd European Workshop on Automatic Differentiation v2
June 4, 2006 um 7:00 Uhr | In University, Work | No CommentsI just returned from my second visit to England. The third workshop on automatic differentiation is over and the talk was quite okay; I have got only good feedback ^_^ In the next weeks I will also publish the slides on the page »Research«, so check this page again if interested 😀
3rd European Workshop on Automatic Differentiation
March 3, 2006 um 11:54 Uhr | In University, Work | 3 CommentsI am going to participate in the 3rd European Workshop on Automatic Differentiation[^] on June 1st, this year 😀
My talk will include current development results of the CompAD-II NAGWare Fortran 95 compiler extensions (see projects page for further informations), describe the overall approach and some technical details. In addition numerical runtime results will be presented.
A second talk by D. Gendler will continue my introduction and presents another research on second-order derivatives by generating a tangent-linear model of 80386/387 Assembler code of adjoint code generated by the compiler I am working on.
xplo.re (Projekte)
February 20, 2006 um 0:27 Uhr | In Projects, Work | 2 CommentsHui, endlich nach den Klausuren kurz Zeit gefunden den Blog meine Projekte betreffend anzulegen 😀 Unter
findet Ihr ab sofort aktuelle Informationen über alle Projekte unter dem Namen »xplo.re«. Die Inhalte sind in Englisch aufgrund internationaler Kunden und Interessenten.
England Journey, Day 1
November 28, 2005 um 3:22 Uhr | In Work | 5 CommentsMost of you know that my Hiwi-job (student researcher) is about Automatic Differentiation (AD) and that I am writing an extension to the NAGWare Fortran 95 compiler[^] for automatic reverse mode generation.
So Prof. Naumann and I visited britain to give NAGWare an overview of our progress (and, of course, some other projects) and to attend for the 2nd European Workshop on Differentiation[^].
We met on tuesday nov. 15th 2005 at 8am, had a ride to Düsseldorf airport. Our flight departed on 11.05am. About an hour later we arrived near London, Heathrow airport. We rent a car and drove to Swindon at Swallow hotel. Yay! Here we are!
But the only thing I saw from britain was the road to the west… and a bit vegetation.
In the evening I had my first fish and chips (fg) but used every free minute to prepare for wednesday…
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