Pokémon Ranger: Base Missions Completed
August 8, 2007 um 22:16 Uhr | In Games | No CommentsToday I completed the Pokémon Ranger (german language) base missions (that is, the main story including capturing the three legendary Pokémon). My stats so far are:
- Play Time: 16:00 hours (exactly)
- Step Count: 25,043
- Speech Count: 310
- Checked Targets: 307
- Capture Trials: 573
- Captured Pokémon: 695
- Aborted Capture Trials: 4 (I got lazy in the end.. err)
- Longest Capture Line: 1,177 meters
- Circle Count: 10,361
- Used Poké Strengths: 121
- Minun Poké Strengths: 71
- Destroyed FangKoms: 1 (that damn last child`s Pokémon)
- Game Saves: 178
- Experience Ponts: 30,079
- Sea Challenge, Highscore: 1,700
- Sea Challenge, Highest capture count: 9
- Grassland Challenge, Highscore: 2,000
- Grassland Challenge, Highest capture count: 6
- Capture Arena, Highscore: 0
- Capture Arena, Highest capture count: (challenge not taken)
All in all a very nice game and an interesting game experience with extensive touchpad use. Recommendation for all Pokémon fans 🙂
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