First Mac Darkscreen
January 31, 2007 um 17:57 Uhr | In Computers | 2 CommentsIt just happened! Yeah! After using Mac for quite some time now, on my new MacBook Pro (with an Intel processor) I experienced the first darkscreen! Reason was an unresolved kernel trap (CPU 1, type 14=page fault). For all those of you who’ve also never seen a Mac darkscreen before, here’s a photo i made- bad camera focus, I know :-/
Reinvented the Wheel
January 23, 2007 um 23:23 Uhr | In Media | No Comments Last.fm Journal Entry
On January 6th, 2007, I’ve installed my new MBP and took the chance to set up a new purely iTunes-based music library. Not only the decision, to use iTunes for central music management, was new but I also changed the primary artist name formatting into the more common format »<first name> <second name>, <optional previx>« instead of the previous formatting »<second name>, <first name>[/<optional previx>]«, although I still think the old format is more convenient and logic.
Since I did encode all my music in Ogg Vorbis, which I still think is the best audio format available, and for iTunes and iPod sync I converted those Ogg files to Mpeg3, I now decided to primarily use AAC encoded audio. As a result I’m currently having a nice time ripping my CD collection again 🙂
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