Why Animexx Suxx
December 13, 2006 um 11:03 Uhr | In Culture & Politics, Media | No CommentsIt`s a long time ago I regularily visited Animexx. It has been somewhat annoying to me, so I started my own community project and so forth. I just returned today to have a look (and to prevent my account being disabled), and the website is not only annoying, but became a large collection of flashing and inlay-popping advertisement banners (see attached screenshot). Great, isn`t it? Oh, and I forgot to mention. It also opened advertised sites in the background. Really good job, Animexx. I know for myself how hard it is to manage projects and collect money for them, so bills can get paid. But putting three annoying ads on the website and opening a fourth in the background really is the wrong way. Flash and animated ads are the worst the web ever produced. Everyone who at least thinks a little bit about there users would prevent using those type of ads (if neccessary at all). The textual ads Google uses are much less annoying.
Desktop 2006/December
December 6, 2006 um 23:24 Uhr | In Computers, Personal | 2 CommentsWell I know, there haven`t been much updates to this site nor blog the last weeks… I`m kinda busy right now – studies, two jobs, countless projects – but there`ll be more soon… at least I hope so 🙂 I just thought it might be a nice idea to post an actual desktop screenie (complete list and history available on the »:Mika« page). And.. well yes. I`m still living! ^^
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